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Do all demons have wings I wonder


This page is dedicated to those people who wish to find the truth about extraterrestrials and ufo activity on Earth but struggle to find that information out there on the internet. However, if you are reading this then you have found this page probably by chance. Perhaps you decided to just find out what welcome message I had to say to all my visitors. Either way, I am glad you are here.

This page has a very special purpose, a purpose which will be revealed to you once you have discovered the actual purpose of this page.

Please read this page very carefully because it has special meaning. As you know I am collecting ebooks on this site. I have a pretty large collection on this site already, which I am really proud of because I found them all without too much trouble or time lost. But adding ebooks to this site is very time consuming as I already have a lot from the internet already. Unless there are like over one million ebooks to be found then I think I am doing pretty good. Actually, of all the ebook sites arounds I have never come across any larger collection of UFO/Extraterrestrial ebooks on the internet than on my own site. Perhaps I am the only person on Earth collecting all these ebooks? Some days are better than others, and sometimes it might take a few days or longer before I find more ebooks to add to this collection. I have a pretty long list already of books to find, but some of them I have yet been able to find in any format other than a normal hard cover or soft cover book.

Anyway, in my many days and nights of thinking about this site, I decided to create something different, something extra to add to this site. I decided to get more involved with challenging my visitors, to get them thinking. By searching the many pages that exist already you can download any ebook you like. I have made it way too easy for you to do that and so, I believe you all need to challenge your own minds and become more involved and interact with this site more.

This particular page was created for a very specific reason, which is bound to become obvious to my visitors sooner or later. This page is a starting point in which will lead you to many different areas around my site, even though you may think it doesn't. This page is the beginning of a series of secret passages or secret blog posts that I don't want to be easily found. You'll  find out why soon enough.

On this blog site I am going to be deleting the numbered page navigation as well as the older and newer posts tabs so no-one can cheat. I have already deleted the blog archive widget, and yes, this is a blog post page!

By the way, you can only solve each clue by locating the clue on each page provided and then click on that clue. The clue will NOT BE FOUND outside the page anywhere. IT WILL ONLY BE FOUND INSIDE THE PAGE/ON THE PAGE, NOT IN THE SIDEBAR, NOT IN THE HEADER, NOR IN THE FOOTER. IT WILL BE SOMEWHERE ON THE SECRET BLOG POST PAGE ITSELF! A pop up window will then appear which will take you to the next page for you to solve that clue. Without giving anything away, if you solve the clue you will be rewarded for your efforts. If you can't solve the clue then do something else and come back to it later on. The reward is not going anywhere. It is a permanent feature of that Secret Blog Post page!

However, it is best that you keep a record of which Secret Page you are up to because over time the Secret Blog Post Pages will get longer and longer, and you will lose track of which "reward" you have found, which clues you have solved, and which page you are up to.

The clue for which you need to look for on this page is: "The key to unlocking this secret starts with a clue. A clue which is round."
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