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Wednesday 15 August 2018

No title just me rambling

15 August 2018

I was a Christian most of my life. I used to believe in God, Jesus and Angels and the existance of Satan. But where has it got me? I have lost my hopes and dreams to make a better life for myself and my family. I am still poor. I am worse off health-wise because what I wanted God supposedly took me literally as to what I wanted. But then again, what I really want God does nothing about despite my begging and pleadings.

I have learnt that if you are exceptionally emotional over something you want and that is all that you can think about, then you will receive it.

Under normal circumstances I move on quickly from things and people. I get over them quickly and move on with life. But when God brings you shit in your life and refuses to allow you to move on from it, then there is something wrong. My faith in God has flown out the window. No-one up there is listening to me. This makes me wonder if there was anyone up there in Heaven in the first place.

I've concluded that none of the Spiritual realm is real. That God is not real, Angels are not real, Jesus is not real. That it is all an illusion. That we somehow create a religious illusion because we are deeply grieving about something when we are at a young age. I think that is how it happened for me anyway.

My thoughts on time travel....

15 August 2018 ·

I've seen videos on people who have claimed to be from the future and came bak to this time. Really? After studying said videos, my first thought was why would they ome bak in the first place?

Secondly, if they were truly from the future then how come their vocabulary has not changed. What I mean by that is, over time, certain words get dropped from our vocabular and new words and phrases appear. This is a know fact.

Thirdly, why is it only young people who come back if, as they claim, humans will live longer in the future?

Fourthly, people's accents. As they claim, if time travel is a common thing and ETs are everywhere on Earth and elsewhere, then shouldn't humans start taking on different accents and actually vocalize words better than ever if said travellers were true in what they say is true?

Fifthly, a lot of these supposed time travellers speak bad English or no English at all. It is the bad English speakers I am targeting here. If their English is so bad and they come back to this year, surely you would think they would learn to speak English (or any tongue) fluently first, in order to communicate properly.

Sixthly, technology. From what I have been learning is you are not allowed to influence those you visit in a new time/dimension with anything, especially with future knowledge. So, why are people coming back and telling people of new technologies?

Seventhly, time travelling itself. From what I have learnt, time travelling - as these travellers are claiming this is how it works - that they enter a machine then travel back in time (or forward) and they end up in a different dimension. A parallel dimension. Now, if this is the actual case, time travellers are NOT from our immediate future but are from a different parallel dimension. What they share with us is irrelevant to our future, period. What they claim will happen cannot happen as we do not live/exist in their parallel dimension. It is that simple.

Tuesday 14 August 2018

Oh, the joys of drought. Clear blue skies, no clouds, no rain for most of the year actually. The grass in the area, including the front lawn, is mostly dead or dormant, and is ever so slightly a yellow-green colour. The grass is crunchy to walk on. Here's some pics I took a few minutes ago of my area as well as showing the bushfire to the north of here (at Wallangarra on the NSW/QLD border). Please excuse the wrong date stamp on the photos. I just got my camera working properly again.

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