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Monday 18 October 2010

Visions of the future

Originally written on Friday, 22 July 2011

Yesterday was a huge day for me, a real eye opener. There are a lot of things I simply do not understand, that I really want to understand. Yesterday, not only did I receive enlightenment about how I am being deceived by Satan, I also began to make sense of some of the visions I have received over the years. I don't really understand my visions but at the same time I do fully understand them. The visions I have received are prophetic in nature, and directly concern the future and what I will be doing in the future.

At the moment there is so much information spinning in my head, about the bigger picture of what is to come, I simply cannot think passed it. As I think about these things I receive flashback memories that seem to link everything together. I understand the visions are kind of like visual confirmations of what is true, of what God is showing me - or whomever the individual is showing me these things. The visions clarify the truth with pictures/scenes of the actual events to occur.

I am going to try and write all my visions down, just to get them out of my head. But, I will tell you right now, that I know one thing for certain. On the 6th, 7th and 8th of October 2011, comet Elenin will pass the Earth and the Earth shall go through its tail, sending debris down to Earth. I can't find the right words for it - but the 6th, 7th and 8th of October 2011 is when the 3 days and 3 nights of total blackness and destruction is going to occur - that is mentioned in the Bible.

But despite all my knowledge, which is still very little, I cannot get passed one vision I had, that involved the second coming of Jesus Christ. This is my actual vision of that event:

And behold I saw Heaven where Jesus Christ and the Angels reside. I saw Jesus Christ there as well as a host of Angels, then they all began to descended from Heaven and materialize on the Earth. Following Jesus was a great number of Angels, as far as you could see behind Jesus (depth) and from the left and right of Jesus (width). There were too many Angels to count. The Angels all stood behind Jesus. I saw trumpets(or a trumpet) being blown by an Angel (or Angels), denoting Jesus' arrival on Earth, or his descent to Earth. (There was no sound to this vision but it was all in colour.) At that very moment when Jesus first stepped foot on Earth every single human Being and creature on Earth knew Jesus was here. Jesus stood before a large group of people, facing them, with all the Angels behind him. The air glowed a golden yellow/white colour, all around Jesus and the Angels, and it appeared to consume all the Earth.

The scene changed and Jesus and some Angels were walking on the Earth, looking for people (certain individuals, I believe). The location was in a remote area of the countryside. The country in question was unknown. Anyway, Jesus and I crossed paths during this scene. We were going two different directions. At first I did not know it was Jesus but upon looking closer at the man I realized it was Jesus. Despite the fact all the Angels had materialized on Earth - the ones that came with Jesus - seeing Angels was a normal thing for everyone. Angels followed everyone around, and this was also very common to witness. Jesus had at least 4 Angels following him and that was why I did not recognize him at first.

(This next part I do not understand why I reacted this way.) Instead of getting down on my knees before Jesus I simply looked at him and nodded at him. Jesus done the exact same thing in return. Then we both turned away from each other and resumed walking to where we were going.
(This next bit is really strange.) I was in a hurry to get to where I was going. My daughter was not with me anymore - she had already been taken by the Beings who watch over me and protect me (not via death though and Eleesha being taken by this Being came to me in a vision many, many years before Eleesha was even born). I was in a hurry to find certain individuals that lived in the area. In this vision Jesus and I appeared to have different agendas but both agendas fitted the exact same purpose as to why this event was taking place. To put it in better words, Jesus had a job to do and I had a job to do, that concerned humans being taken off the Earth. I was, I believe, helping the Beings who watch over me and protect me. I was helping them to make people aware (only certain individuals though) that their time had come and now they have to return home.

Another vision I've received seems to follow this vision above. It goes like this:

Fiery rocks were falling from the sky. The sizes of the rocks varied from tiny fragments the size of grains of sand to as large as small cars. The sky literally caught on fire when each rock fell to Earth. The sky was so thick with these falling rocks that, on foot, you had to look up and dodge the incoming rocks in order to not get hit by them. You had to also look down to avoid falling over the debris on the ground. You had to keep your wits about you, and you had to run in order to avoid the fiery rocks, else one would land on your head and kill you. About every 3-6 feet or so in the sky was a rock that was trailing fire. The rocks made the sound of something similiar to a missile being fired from the ground. Each rock whilstled through the air. The scene looked like a war zone: cars exploding as rocks hit them; craters forming and blasts occuring from the rocks impacting with the Earth; people and buildings getting struck by the fiery falling rocks; people screaming and running that weren't already dead; people laying dead on the ground; and some dead people burning from the impacts; etc. This scene seemed to occur in something like a city but you could not recognize it as being a city anymore. The buildings had been flattened by the fiery rocks falling from the sky. A few skyscrapers remained in the distance but that would not last very long. There were many people screaming all around me, and many people crying and running and being hit from these rocks. The scene was horrific to watch and experience - even in a vision. I was running and avoiding many of these fiery rocks as they impacted with the Earth. I was knocked off my feet many a time by the impact blasts of these rocks hitting the ground. As soon as I got up and began running again I would be knocked off my feet again. I had a few close calls with a few rocks almost hitting me but thank God they missed. I was trying to find certain individuals wherever this location was. I found one of the individuals I was supposed to find but he was not willing to leave. He wanted to stay. I had to explain to him why all of this is happening and why he had to leave. I can't remember exactly what I said but I remember pointing up to the sky and told him to look at where I was pointing. Behind all the fiery rocks still raining down on the Earth was a massive object (a massive rock/asteroid or comet) that was very close to the Earth. It was, in actualality, 15 minutes prior to this massive rock impacting with the Earth, at this point, but I didn't know that at the time in the vision. I screamed at him saying "If you don't come with me now this comet will kill you and me and everything else on this planet. Do you wish to die? Is that what you really want?" He thought for a few minutes, whilst occasionally looking back up at the comet and looking around at all the destruction from the fiery falling rocks, and finally said, "No". Upon him saying "No" I grabbed him by the hand and took him to another dimension - to where these other Beings are (the ones that watch over me and protect me).

As disturbing as these visions are they were very graphic in detail - especially the latter one. I still cannot understand that if these visions are just my overactive imagination then why would it appear as such a horrific vision? For as long as I can remember, probably since my alien encounters started anyway, I have been receiving visions relating to some sort of catastrophy that is to occur on Earth. The visions would come to me piece by piece, and in no particular order either. But I have also had other visions too, that do not involve aliens, Jesus or a catastrophy. These other visions involve normal every day life situations, mostly about neighbours moving in next door, or neighbours moving out, or generally just about people in my life leaving or doing something in particular. All these ordinary, every day life situation visions were always fulfilled exactly as they were revealed to me. They occurred EXACTLY AS I SAW THEM OCCUR in each vision.

For probably about 5 years now I have not received any new visions. It appears the visions have stopped. Now I am just getting flashback memories of certain visions or of certain alien encounters that I've had. Even the alien encounters have kind of drifted off to barely any at all. However, the Angelic encounters seem to be getting more prolific with each passing day, and I seem to be making more progress with contacting certain Beings, and making sense of everything. I have been receiving insight after insight this year, and I believe, going on everything that was ever shown or told to me, everything is going to peak this year. I believe that what was revealed to me for the last 41 years of my life (it started when I was only 4 years old) all points to the 6th - 8th October 2011, which is the starting point, kinda, of all the trials and nightmares of what is to come. When the Angel materialized when I was 4 years old and showed me my future, my future stopped around when I was 45 years old. There was simply nothing after that time. Everything in my life that has ever happened to me has made me stop and think the end of life as we know it has begun, and God has set into motion the destruction of our species, if that is what we choose to experience. Free will is so confusing!

Update: 16 November 2011.

After reading this again something came to me that didn't make sense. In the first vision when Jesus and I crossed paths, at first I did not recognize him as Jesus. I had to look closely at him to see it was Jesus. That got me thinking that if I could not recognize Jesus simply because he was near me, but in the beginning when Jesus first came to Earth everyone recognized him, then who is Jesus? Is the first mention of Jesus the actual real Jesus, or is He someone pretending to be Jesus? Perhaps Jesus does not even exist at all? Perhaps this whole story about Jesus returning is made up to keep us humans quiet, to prevent us from evolving. It seemed awfully strange that I was not able to identify that the man I was looking at was Jesus Christ.

I have concluded, at this point, that the visions I have received about the future are not what they seem to be. Visions seem to be anything but details of the future. What I see that has occured in the visions I have received, is nothing more than a sinister plot to confuse mankind. The only person responsible for visions coming true is Satan himself. It seems, that in my visions, Jesus is actually Satan and the divine Angels are nothing more than demons in disguise.

The fact of the matter is we need to ask ourselves if Jesus Christ is really an actual living, real Being or not. I know this will probably sound like some sort of attack coming from me to all those faithful believers of Jesus Christ as their saviour. But really, I am not attacking anyone, nor their faith. I am simply asking a question - a question that needs an answer. I do not wish to be lectured about Jesus Christ by anyone. I'm already up to speed with who he is and what he done for us humans, etc, etc, etc. What I am asking is if Jesus is really real, then why doesn't he show himself? He has the Power to do so, but refuses to show himself. How is anyone supposed to believe in Him when He never makes Himself visible. That's even if Jesus exists at all.

Yes, I'm skeptical and have every right to be skeptical. You see, not once has any Angel mentioned to me the name of Jesus, God or even Mary (Jesus' mother). Why? I don't know.


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