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Tuesday 6 September 2011

New information about Angelic communications

Angelic Beings ARE my ultimate favourite topic to talk about. I just love everything about them, from their mischievious ways to their annoying little habits which humans take the wrong way. The thing I appreciate the most about Angels is that they have saved me more than once from dieing or being seriously injured. We owe our deepest gratitude to the actions of Angels, well I do anyway, because if it wasn't for them waking me up or telling me to stop or get off the road, I would have died many times over and wouldn't be here to share all these things with you.

From time to time Angels tend to share their secrets with me, what we humans think are secrets anyway, but the one I will discuss below is a pretty big insight into how Angels operate.

This post, my dear friends, is not one of those posts that do not make sense. This post is a serious post, and the insight I am going to share with you is not something I made up but it is ACTUAL FACTS ABOUT ANGELS. I will do my best to describe exactly what must be done because I am rewriting these words from notes that I wrote down when this insight happened to me recently.

But before I tell you the information I want to discuss one thing first. I want to discuss how, and this is my opinion only, Angels interact with us. You see, when an Angel approaches a human The Universe by Three comes into play. The Universe by Three is basically the energies of God interacting with Jesus Christ who sits at the Throne, and it is the Angels who are consciously commanded (or willed) to perform certain actions here upon the Earth. The Angels then interact with us humans who then end up by doing things or are influenced in a certain way to eventually be led back to God. Everything seems to revolve around God. Jesus seems to be the one who commands or orders specific actions to take place, and it is the Angels who carry out those actions. Us humans are the ones who are targeted for Angelic activities and actions to be placed upon us or to influence us. Eventually, everything leads back to God. EVERYTHING!

Now to the good stuff.........

In my many encounters with Angels over the years, and as a direct result of communicating with them, I thought you might be interested in receiving my insights about how to understand Angels better, of what they say to you.

Now I don't mean "The Angel's exact words that he/she speaks" but rather how the Angel communicates indirectly to us. I mean - the silent (non-verbal) communications that Angels communicate to us probably on a daily basis. You can sort of say it is kind of like body language of an Angel, but it is more like how Angels want to say something without actually saying anything about it but dropping hints along the way.

Let's say an Angel says something to you directly and then you ask the Angel a question, and he/she won't give you a straight answer. That will happen like most of the time, especially if you are trying to either remember something or learn something, either about yourself or someone else. An Angel might say something like this, telepathically to you: "I'd rather not tell you. I'd rather you figure it out for yourself." It is when Angels speak like this, when they won't tell you the answer to something, that is when you should apply this insight (or technique).

Now, I've been trying to figure out why Angels won't tell us certain answers. I've been trying to figure it out for most of my life. Finally it came to me the other day.

Now, let's start with the facts. We all know that Angels cannot tell us everything. If they did we humans would learn nothing. Whether they are not allowed to reveal that information or not is not the point here. The point here is they don't reveal all answers. And we know why they don't so let's skip forward to the good bits.

So an Angel won't reveal an answer. Now, I've thought about this a great deal, and had an insight here. The Angelic Being is actually not saying "I cannot tell you the answer because you have to figure it out yourself" even though he/she is actually saying that, the Angel is actually trying to relay to you a clue to the answer. It is done very subtly too and it is done with energy. Angels give us clues because they are not allowed to tell us the answers. We have to figure it out for ourselves because that is the law of Free Will.

I have discovered that Angelic Beings not only tell us they can't answer all our questions but they give us clues to the answer. If you are familiar with the energy vibration of the Angel - if you can feel his/her energy, then you will be able to feel the clue. You see, the clue that the Angel leaves you is expressed to you at almost the exact time (or a few seconds later) when he/she says "I cannot answer that question. It is something you need to figure out for yourself." The clue itself is not in word format either. It is in the format of energy and it must be felt with your spirit.

However, the trouble is (in the beginning) you need to be able to feel (not see) the energy vibration of the Angel in question, or at least, be able to feel the Angel's presence and be familiar with his/her energy vibration level in a non-physical sense. It is like when you tune into an Angel mentally. You need that connection in order to speak to him/her telepathically. You need a focal point in order to make contact with the Angel. That focal point is his/her energy vibration. When you think of a specific Angel (for example, Archangel Michael), you are connecting to his energy vibration which basically attracts him to you. And then you see his energy. Basically what you should be doing is, replacing your focus upon the Angel's name and replacing it with focus upon the Angel's energy vibration. You need to do this in order to "feel the clue".

Angels speak in a certain manner to us humans, but they speak like this to everyone, I believe. I could be wrong. But anyway, back to the clue. The clue, which is sent to you via energy, and can only be felt, IS SAID NON-VERBALLY and IS a direct reference to something that is in reference to the Angel's direct response of being unable to answer the question. At first it is difficult to figure out, if you simply look at it at for what it is. But, in the moment of feeling the clue's existance and it being directed at you, you should see a picture/s emerge into your mind which also has to be felt to be understood.

Now in order to understand the clue you need to figure out what lead you to asking that question to the Angel in the first place. The "lead up to your question being asked" normally occurs somewhere within the last 24-48 hours. And this is what the Angel is referring to - that build up. You have to feel it rather than think it. Once your feelings match your thoughts, as you try to think it all through, for this to successfully work, your conclusion must match the energy vibration of the Angel's clue. If that happens, you get an insight (or enlightenment). The insight is your answer that you have been seeking.

That's basically it really. Once you get the hang of recognizing clues exist and can feel the clue's presence in the Angel's energy, all the unanswered questions you have can now be answered - by you. It is really simple to do once you get the hang of it. I must warn you though, that should you actually find answers to your questions in the clues left behind via the unspoken words of Angels, you will experience a rush of energy similiar to adrenalin. If you can imagine your physical body getting a rush of adrenalin, then imagine this: when you find an answer you experience something like your soul getting a rush of adrenalin. It is different, slightly, to the physical body's version of the same thing. It will spin your mind out and will get you really, REALLY excited. And that is an understatement, because you will know that you have just discovered a secret that probably no normal human should be aware of. Do you keep this secret to yourself, or share it with the world? - you will be asking yourself. I chose to share it with the world because I care and people need to know how to find answers to their questions - even if it means via the help of an Angel.

Now before I end this post I just want to say this: The Power we humans have within us is mind blowing. Imagine answering all your own questions with deadly accurate answers? Imagine being able to think of something, say a problem you can't solve, and finding a solution to it? Imagine the possibility of knowing everything you want to know about but for some unknown reason here on Earth you cannot find an answer, but by simply asking an Angel a question you instantly get an answer? Life as we know it will alter its course to become a far greater experience. This is not fantasy - this is REALITY. And, THIS IS WHAT WE REALLY ARE CAPABLE OF ACHIEVING! I have experienced this myself and I am telling you, you can do it to. This is not limited to a certain gender, or a certain race or religion of people. If you are alive, you can do this. If you are breathing and are self aware, and are human and can express love you can do this. The colour of your skin is irrelevant, your race, religion and gender is unimportant - but YOU "ARE" IMPORTANT AND RELEVANT!

I just hope that I have written this up clear enough for EVERYONE TO UNDERSTAND. Good luck with this, and if you have any questions don't be scared to ask me, okay?


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