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Sunday 2 October 2011

Humans are being brainwashed by extraterrestrials

In my many encounters with extraterrestrials I have come across certain things that state extraterrestrials actually make us not see them if they are on foot. This is specifically true if they are not abducting humans at the time, rather doing something about the human race or instigating some sort of agenda amongst our human species.

I find it very odd that Australia seems to be void, for the most part, of any kind of extraterrestrial activity. If you've never been to Australia, it is a very big country. Its not quite as big as the USA actually. Australia is still developing a large population, and most citizens either live along the coastline or inland within a few hundred kilometres from the coast. Within those regions are many mountain ranges, especially along the eastern coastline of Australia.

But the weird part to all of this is extraterrestrials still operate undercover down here. A few years back I encountered an odd group of what looked like, at first, business men who were in groups of 3s or 4s. They were walking around Tenterfield's Rouse Street between Bruxner Park and the corner of Rouse and High Streets area (on both sides of the road) and most of them seemed to be heading for the Royal Hotel on High Street. About 10 minutes later I learnt a large business meeting was occurring at the Royal Hotel - a local shop worker told me that information.

There were two even weirder things about this event:

1. They were all wearing blue suits with a white shirt, dark blue tie and black shoes, and 2. When I walked passed a group of them it seemed I was the only human actually able to see them. The locals seemed oblivious to their presence.

Tenterfield people generally don't look at strangers - or even other locals for that matter unless they know them and are friends with them. They might give a quick glance at someone but that's about it. The mentality of Tenterfield people is weird indeed. I would not call the local people snobs, even though some act that way. They are hard to befriend and barely anyone here talks about UFOs, even if they see one. I think there is something much deeper happening with the locals and I don't think they are even aware that it is happening to them.

You see, when I approached a group of these so-called business men, in order to walk passed them, I sensed the humans who were also walking passed them were unaware that the aliens were even there on the street. How can any human not see someone standing almost right next to you, within 3-4 feet of where you are walking? Yet the locals never gave these business men even a quick glance nor did they look in their direction. 30 people must have passed these business men within about 45 seconds (It was a busy Thursday or Friday afternoon) in town. Not one single local looked at these men. About 10 people passed me when I was directly behind these aliens, as I was pushing a stroller at the time, and not one of the locals looked at these business men. Strange indeed.

I keep asking myself why these aliens were not being looked at by the locals, and have concluded that they do not want to be seen even though they were plainly visible to me. But then I have also asked myself why I was able to see them yet others were not? I don't know why I could see them. All I know is I could see them. And I knew they were aliens because I thought out loud and concluded they were aliens and one of them heard my thoughts, spun around and glared at me. I've never had any human do that to me before. Humans are not telepathic like that. Humans cannot read the minds of other humans!!!!!

But what about the aliens themselves? I've thought long and hard about this and up until recently I never knew where they actually came from. I often spend a lot of time comparing my extraterrestrial encounters to each other and I have concluded that these business men were extraterrestrials and they originally came from Jupiter's moons. How do I know that? Well, if you read the two encounters I had (the 1990 alien encounter, and the encounter titled "Strange behaviour of the men in suits" I think I called it) you'll notice in both cases the extraterrestrials from Jupiter's moons (in the 1990 encounter) were wearing the exact same thing as these so-called business men. A coincidence? I think not considering that in both cases have been proven to be extraterrestrials. And also with the fact that in 1994 all the moons of Jupiter were evacuated, and about 300,000 of the citizens moved to Earth, some of these aliens are bound to be spotted sooner or later.

If these business men, I saw about 13 of them on that day, were just humans they would not have been wearing the exact same items of clothing. Just think about that for a moment. Now if these aliens were wearing different clothing, different business suits of different colours, they would not have been so noticable, and I probably would not have paid so much attention to their presence. But the fact that 12-13 of them were wearing the exact same suits made them very noticable and made them stand out from the crowded street.

However, something tells me that whatever they were doing had something to do with the devices the three were holding and seemed to be mentally talking in to. Were they brainwashing the locals into believing they were not there and as a result could not see them either? Or were they simply communicating to other group members, perhaps even to the mothership? But why would the need for two of them to be chatting silently away whilst the other one was confronting me? Maybe the other two were trying to brainwash me but it wasn't working. Who knows really.

In conclusion to all of this I have never seen men wearing blue business suits since this encounter. Another coincidence? Again I think not. I may be possibly be under their brainwashing spell/mind-influence and just simply can't see them anymore.

What do you think?

Originally Posted By Shirley E Hardy At 8:37 PM 
Sunday, October 2, 2011


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