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Wednesday, 16 November 2011

My opinion about aliens and UFOs

What really is the point in doing anything anymore. I do not know what people expect of me on this site. I have no idea whatsoever if anyone even reads my posts. Very few people actually leave comments. This makes me wonder what the hell I am doing here. After deleting 99% of the books from this site, I now wonder why I bothered adding the books in the first place. You see, I really don't think any kind of UFO disclosure is going to happen. WHY? Because despite all the evidence that states UFOS AND ALIENS ARE REAL, there is no real evidence that states these Beings actually come from outer space.

Over the course of half of my life I still have no evidence that state aliens are actually as real as you and I. But if they are real, then no-one will ever really know that for sure. Aliens are not about to give us the proof we need that states they are real. Our governments, even if they are in kahoots with aliens, will never give us the evidence either - simply because they don't know the answer either.

And because aliens can be made to simply go away simply by praying about it states one thing to me: aliens are demons. Ask yourself this: If you pray for a human to go away, does he/she eventually go away? The answer is no because we humans have free will, and we need to experience people, and need to learn how to deal with certain scenarios with people. So, if praying to make humans go away doesn't work, then you can comfortably also deduce that it would not work on aliens either - if indeed they even existed. It would not work on aliens for the exact same reason as for humans - because we need to experience these things, as declared by God/the universe or whatever decides we need these things.

On that note, despite all the books out there on aliens and UFOs (I've counted 1,200 just on one website alone) I honestly think we will not gain any knowledge about aliens or UFOs by reading books about them. Why? Simply because you cannot learn anything about something that does not exist in the first place. We should be actually learning more about demons, in order to discover the real truth behind this absurd phenomenon.

That's my opinion and I don't care who knows it.

Posted By Shirley E Hardy At 11:44 AM


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