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Monday 19 March 2012

It feels like something has changed at home

On Saturday I bought two new mobile phones, one for myself and one for my brother. Then yesterday I bought a third mobile phone as my brother liked my new mobile phone over his. So now I have two mobile phones. Last night I set the alarm on both the mobile phones and decided to leave them on my desk instead of next to my bed. I was surprised this morning that my new mobile phones had not disappeared before the alarms went off.

Yesterday whilst on Youtube I came across a video titled "Prayer to make demons leave your home" (which has since been removed or deleted from Youtube) and so I listened to it, and just let the guy intervene on my behalf. After about an hour after the video had finished something felt different. Perhaps my home felt lighter. I heard an Angel tell me something about the trouble will no longer happen, or "they will no longer bother you." It was something like that anyway. I was tired when I heard the Angel whisper in my ear and cannot remember the exact words the Angel said to me. I felt relieved but I still wasn't confident enough to fully believe the exact words I heard as being true. I was still cautious.

I would like to believe that the Prayer actually worked and the demon is gone for good. Demons have been known to come back, and they do tend to come back after a while here. My daughter and I are troubled by demons and enough is enough. I can't take it anymore. Even I am now having trouble sleeping and for the last two nights I have left all the lights on when I've gone to bed.

I have to have faith in what the Angel said to me for it is my only piece of sanity at the moment. I remember now, the Angel said to me, and I quote "The demon will no longer trouble you!" It was weird, as when the Angel said this I felt a connection with the Angel, the same connection I haven't felt in a long time. The Angel made me feel the connection it had with God - that is the connection I actually felt with my entire Being, sensed and saw in my mind.

I have somehow moved far away from the connection I had with the Angels, and I do not know how it came into Being. But I need to restore that connection with the Angels again as it is the only way I know how to connect with God directly.

I do know one thing though about extraterrestrials - it is demons who are pushing us in that direction because they don't want us connected to God.


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