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Friday 6 January 2012

How to identify your soul mate

I first learnt about soul mates probably 10 or so years ago via reading a magazine article on the topic. The article was vague and I thought soul mates was some made up fantasy story until I encountered a human male that was not like any other chance meeting of a human being. Every day we physically lay eyes on people all around us - those of us who are fortunate to not be actually blind. Sometimes we will find a person of the opposite gender attractive and will continue to look at them but for the most part we do not take notice of most people look that we see. We do this because deep down we are all on the path to find our soul mates, and we are not consciously aware of what we are doing when we look twice at other people.

One of my burning questions in life is "If soul mates do exist how do you tell the difference between a soul mate and someone who is not your soul mate?" Considering there are billions of people on Earth right now, the chances of bumping into one's soul mate may be next to impossible because no-one has yet defined that actual experience of meeting a soul mate. Therefore, knowing what to look for, for us individually, is still like walking around with your eyes closed.

Throughout my life I have come across a handful of specific individuals by chance. They were all males (me being a female) but they were from a wide variety of lifestyles and social classes. These males I have encountered are not like other males I usually encounter. There were attractions to these people that I cannot describe as anything less than spiritual, or, attractions of my spirit to their spirit. The encounters were almost magical in nature that defied everything about logical choices for choosing a mate. Researching my own experiences with my own soul mates led me to want to share this information with others, as if it was the right thing to do. How many people actually know what to look for in another person that will help them to identify whether they are their soul mate or not? How many people would even reveal that information to others for free? How many people would be willing to help others identify their soul mate/s because they believe people deserve to be happy?

Perhaps I live in a fantasy world where I expect everyone to be happy all the time. Perhaps I expect too much of my fellow humans for them to share information freely with others. Perhaps I expect too much of people to express love to their neighbours and fellow humans as you would to your own children or parents - unconditionally. Perhaps I just expect too much from people in general and only wish for humans to live a more satisfying and fulfilling life. Like a mother raising a child, I only wish to see everyone experience happiness that makes them feel loved, complete, and joyous. I have always considered myself to be different from the way other people think and in general as time goes on and life becomes more complicated and more technologically driven, people are becoming less happy with their lives and this makes me very sad.

The mystery of not knowing:
For I don't know how long in time, humans have not really been able to identify a soul mate from the average person. This may be due to the fact people are not willing to share their discoveries, or whether people take advantage of other people by making them pay for that knowledge. Either way, discovering how to identify your soul mate became a need for me to share that information so at least someone could take advantage of what I have learnt and experienced. You see, it is my belief that each and every individual human being on Earth has a right to feel complete, to feel love and experience happiness beyond what they are currently experiencing. Only connecting with their soul mate will achieve that higher level of happiness and love, in my opinion. My own insecurities as a human being also come into play here as I lack my soul mate in my life, but if after reading this post someone identifies their soul mate and then forms a loving relationship with that person, I will be delighted beyond words knowing that our world is two people closer to living in a perfect world.

My recommendations:
To locate a soul mate is not something I would recommend someone actively to seek out. I do not recommend it because you may not find your soul mate, or, it may take years to locate him or her. What I do recommend is keeping your eyes open for the tell tale signs of what will happen when you and your soul mate lay eyes on each other. Meeting your soul mate seems to happen by chance.

What I will reveal to you:
I have encountered about 6 to 8 individuals that I can only describe to be my soul mates. I never knew they were my soul mates at the time and as such I let each and every one of them slip through my fingers and my life. However, I wish to share the information I obtained over the years of what it is like to encounter your soul mate. I will attempt to describe in this post every aspect of what one experiences when first encountering one's soul mate so that you will know your soul mate when you encounter him or her.

Your soul mate at first glance:
The soul mate (person) you encounter, under normal cisrcumstances, may not even grab your attention to consider dating or marrying that person. Under normal circumstances you may find that person unappealing or unattractive, or too attractive, or too old or too young for you, etc.

The person, from a distance to you, will look like just another human being. You will, more than likely, not be able to identify your soul mate from a crowd of people, unless you both happen to make eye contact with each other. There will not be anything unusual about your soul mate, from a visual distance from yourself. There will be no signs from a visual distance to say that person is your soul mate.


Your soul mate and you at close range:
At close visual range from your soul mate, something magical happens. You begin to "feel" things you have never felt before - unless you have gone through this experience beforehand. The very first thing you feel is an attraction to the other person. It is unlike any normal attraction to another person of the opposite gender. It is like your spirit is attracted to their spirit but you don't know why. This attraction is almost like a magnetic pulling of your soul (or spirit) to their soul (or spirit). You are drawn to them and they are drawn to you.

You then cannot take your eyes off that person. No matter where you look, you will always be drawn back into looking into their eyes. As you look into their eyes, which you will find you cannot stop doing, you will find the other person's eyes really shines and twinkles. There is something that happens with the eyes that I cannot find the words for. Its almost like they suddenly light up and they radiate more divine light out of them. It is very visually noticable to you anyway. You will also be consumed by the thought of this other person, and it will stay with you for as long as you are alive on Earth.

In the situation of encountering your soul mate, your sense of judgement about the individual completely disappears. If you make eye contact with that person, which usually does occur, your feelings about the other person becomes very, VERY intense.

If you are within 6 feet of your soul mate the next thing that happens is you become speechless. You feel "in divine awe" of the other person - which again you cannot explain why you are feeling that way. It is almost like you are standing before God (or whomever you call God) and you see God and you are left speechless and are in awe of his presence. Its almost the same feeling. You know what you are feeling at that very moment is exactly what the other person is feeling too. And you can see it in their face that that is true - going on their facial expressions. These feelings are both shared by you and the other person at the exact same time and at the exact same intensity.

Talking to your soul mate:
The very first few moments before either one of you speak will be likened to awkward silence. It is, however, not so much "awkward" as it is "uncertainty of not knowing what to say to the other person" despite the fact you may have a hundred questions you want to ask the other person about how you are feeling that very moment. But you may not ask those questions (in fear of being ridiculed for asking stupid questions), or feeling it may not seem right to ask those questions at that very moment in time.

Should you actually speak to the other person you will find it difficult to speak. You will find you will need to find the strength to force yourself to physically speak in order to utter the first words out of your mouth. The other person will have the exact same trouble with speaking as you will.

Mustering up the strength to talk is the hardest part that you will experience but once you get passed that part speaking to the other person is a little bit easier .

The very next thing that crosses your mind after being able to talk to that person is wanting to touch them physically. I'm not talking about anything sexual here, rather just the need to touch the other person as if wanting to confirm that they are physically real, and can be touched by you.

Other things about your soul mate:
You feel like you want to be with this person all the time but don't know how to go about it. You feel, after speaking with this person, complete at last, yet you both have not created a "relationship" with each other yet. You feel like this bond that has formed between the two of you, is not so much Heaven sent, but for a lack of better words, the other person was made just for you; for you to share the rest of your life with. You know this bond is more than mere physical attraction, and well, physical attraction has nothinhg to do with the bond that has formed between the two of you. You know it is divine in nature but can't identify how it is divine in nature. You simply "experience it" without judgement, without the restraints of the ego, and without the conscious choice of wanting or needing to be with that other person. It is a bond that goes beyond all the physical limitations of our ego, of our desires to find the perfect mate in life. It simply "IS perfect" to us in every sense of the word.

In the soul mate scenerio those choices not only don't exist, they are the complete opposite of what you judge a person and yourself to be. The best way for me to describe a soul mate is - the other person was made just for you; to be your perfect other half to your existence on Earth; to be the person who is capable of fulfilling those traits you lack; a person to complete you and make you feel whole; a mate who will love you in return as much as you wish to be fully loved; etc.

Your first meeting with this other person will be different than what you have encountered before. Your normal intuition about a potential partner, or someone to date, is not applicable in these circumstances. Your sense of judgement over whether he/she might be compatable, or whether you even want to get to know him/her does not apply. Your attraction to this person is not of a conscious choice. Under normal circumstances - if he was not your soul mate, you may not even look twice at him/her. You may actually think he/she is too old or too young for you; or might remind you of someone you previously went out with and it didn't work out so you decide not to experience that type of relationship again; or you may just not want to consider having a relationship with another person. Whatever your reason for not picking that person, under normal circumstances, there is an obvious choice/s that you make to come to that conclusion.

The connection or bond that happens between you and the other person is instantaneously formed the moment you both make eye contact with each other. The bond seems to be eternal in nature, and seems to be filled with unconditional love for the other person. This occurs at a much deeper level than the conscious mind. Although you are fully conscious of what you are both feeling within yourselves is the same as the other is experiencing, you cannot explain why it is happening in the first place - except perhaps get a feeling at some point that "It is simply feels right".

You and your soul mate will feel the exact same way about the each other. There is no denying or doubt about that fact. You will both respond to each other in the same manner to each other. You will both be able to telepathically communicate to each other and respond to each other without saying a word.

Imagine a world where EVERYONE is completely happy, completely in love, and feeling completely whole. What a beautiful world that would be.

Oriinally Posted By Shirley E Hardy At 5:10 PM 
Friday, January 6, 2012


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