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Friday 9 September 2011

Something weird is happening

This post is a discussion of an observation in the night sky that has occurred for the passed two nights which occurred three days ago now. Sorry, I don't have any photos to add to this post - as my camera will not zoom into the moon nor the stars nor will it take good night time photographs. I'll see what I can find on the Internet though in the way of photos to add to this post.

I don't usually make a habit of looking at the moon. I know its there, the same as the sun is there in the sky. But just before sunset I noticed the moon was different. I got out my binoculars and looked at the moon to have a better look as my eyesight is poor as I see two blurry moons instead of one clear one, and sure enough the moon was laying on it's back. We had a waxing gibbous moon last night, or 73% full. The light and darkness on the moon is supposed to be vertical, but last night it was horizontal in the eastern sky. Below I've found 3 images of how the moon appeared last night - the shadow part only.
Until about 7:30pm
This was how the moon was at around 7:45pm
This was how the moon was at around 10:45pm

A lot of people on Youtube have displayed videos of the moon tilting but I had never seen it happen down here in Tenterfield, New South Wales, Australia. I thought people on Youtube were just playing tricks on people, despite their obvious sincerity in the matter. After all it is pretty hard to believe that the moon would just tilt over.

But there's more..., lots more. Watching the moon move across the sky, which basically happened almost directly straight above us but to the north a bit, the moon took 3-4 hours to travel 3/4 of half the sky to the west in order to set. But instead of setting by following the sun's path, the moon decided to take a detour. The moon travelled to about the position where it should have started descending to the western horizon, about a third the distance from the horizon (a full three thirds of the sky - in this case - is the distance between directly overhead and to the western horizon. I just cut the sky in half and then cut it into one thirds.). Then the oddest thing was the moon remained in it's upside down position and headed south. I went to bed about 12:15AM and the moon hadn't moved much in it's position for more than an hour.

But even stranger than that was last night my brother and I struggled to find stars in the night sky. We found what I believed to be the Southern Cross but it was too far south, in fact only the Pointers and one of the stars had risen above the southern horizon into the sky itself. To the west of the Southern Cross (also known as the Crux I believe) were two other stars. Looking around the night sky was disturbing as all the stars had vanished except for a very small handful (less than 15 actually that were actually visible).

Okay, you're probably thinking that because the moon was bright the light of the moon was blocking the visible light from the stars. Yes, that does happen, but not to the point where you cannot see stars right above you, or where they are supposed to be. The stars in the southern sky, down here, are still visible - even to me whom has bad eyesight. My daughter has much better eyesight than me and often points out faint stars to me, and last night she didn't see many stars either. And we were outside for more than half an hour, so our eyes were well adjusted to picking up the faint light of the stars.

Now even stranger than this was around 12 midnight the night before. As I lay in bed looking out the bedroom window I saw, as usual, stars. To the north east, coming up from the eastern horizon was the constellation Orion and Betelgeuse was above it. There was another constellation to the right (heading south further but more in a due east position) and more stars even further to the south. They were all basically in a horizontal row running in a north to south direction. Last night I stayed up to about 1AM and Orion nor Betelgeuse rose from the north eastern sky. None of the other stars did that I just mentioned that were positioned in a row. Something is wrong here. The stars should've rose but they didn't. The night sky should've been half to a quarter full of stars but it wasn't. The moon's shadow should've been upright (vertical) but it wasn't.

So, what happened over the course of 24 hours the other night? Why was the moon's shadow the wrong way? Where did all the stars disappear to? And why is the sun refusing to rise in a more south position now that we are heading into summer down here? Why did Australia just go through a really hot winter, and even now it is warmer than normal?

After doing some research about the Earth tilting, the moon's shadow, the phases of the moon, etc, I have come to a conclusion about what may possibly be happening and this is quite scary to think about actually. I studied/researched the moon's tilt first (the variation of the moon's shadow in direct positions that are not normal) and realized that even if the moon did tilt the shadow would still remain the same going on the position of the Sun and the Earth. So, I concluded it is not the moon tilting. Then I compared the normal rotation of the Earth, and it's normal tilting, and compared that to the stars positions in the night sky. Yes, if the Earth tilted more than normal it would throw all the stars out of position - but the shadow on the moon would still be the same though. So, that can't be the answer.

But as I lay in bed I thought, going on a 3 dimensional model of the Sun, Earth and Moon, and to move the Earth about - out of it's normal orbit and position as it travels around the sun - you would actually get a different shadow position on the moon. That would also throw the stars out of position too.

My final conclusion is that somehow the Earth has been moved out of it's normal orbit around the sun and has been repositioned to an area that is higher or lower in space than where it normally orbits. As the Earth tries to balance itself in it's new orbit, the Earth tilts and wobbles to try and compensate for the new orbit. Going on the extreme winter heat we have been getting here in Australia, my conclusion is the Earth has tilted somewhat and it is trying to readjust it's tilt back to normal. This would actually explain why the moon's shadow changes and takes about 9 hours for the shadow to go back to it's normal position.

But, the bigger question is what has caused the Earth to be thrown out of it's normal orbit? You might say it is Nibiru or planet X that has caused this but I argue such planets don't exist. Is it really an external celestial object that has caused this to happen? It is probably more than likely to be an unknown celestial object like planet X but whatever it is it needs to be found and fast.

All day yesterday and for the previous 2 days I had been hearing a certain sound in my ears, as well as the ocassional ringing of my ears. It turns out that the non-ringing sound I was hearing is that of the sun. The sun makes sound that cannot be heard normally with our ears but it can be picked up and altered, by a satellite orbiting the Earth, so we can hear it. This audio file is the normal sound of our sun.

Imagine this as a constant unchanging noise and this is the sound I kept hearing.

Weird but true.


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