I have a lot going on in my head. I have had more encounters with demons than I care to imagine - and I knew these demons were demons when it happened. They appeared to me in their demonic (demon) form, or some altered physical form that still represented a demon. But I still knew I was encountering a demon and nothing but a demon. My first physical encounter with a demon occurred in 1985 when one tried to attack me physically. I had this same demon hang around me for at least 6 months straight, day in and day out for 6 months, prior to it attacking me. But that was just one demon though. Other demons have also come my way, ones that did hide their true identities. Over time I became accustomed to what some demons are like, how they interact with us and the type of energy they give off.
Not long after 1985 came a wave of extraterrestrial encounters and the demon encounters faded into oblivion. By each passing year, the type of extraterrestrial I was to encounter become more aggressive, more sneakier in their behaviour, and more cunning in hiding their true identity, and eventually less human looking. In the middle of all of this, in 1994, I had the most bazaarest encounter with extraterrestrials that has left me wondering if they are also evil in nature, even though their physical appearance is human. I ascended to a higher dimension, physically, but it was against my will to do so. Something out there induced this event upon me, for whatever reason, and I am not sure if it was good or bad in nature even though nothing seriously bad happened to me. I have claimed that it was God who induced this upon me - and until I can prove otherwise I will continue to claim that - but I am still skeptical about it.
You see, in my mind I doubt extraterrestrials are actually visiting us humans here on Earth - despite my many encounters with them. I doubt that they are real, despite the proof that UFOs and extraterrestrials are real. To me, something doesn't add up. Something about this whole UFO phenomena doesn't make sense, and something about it all doesn't make it seem real. There is something or someone behind all these UFO encounters/sightings, I will admit that. What I am trying to say here is, despite all the obvious "proofs that extraterrestrials and UFOs are real", somehow there is some kind of illusion happening with this phenomenon that isn't really what it seems to be - and it is sending every human crazy in the process.
Going back into our history there are stories of sightings of UFOs, as well as demons fighting Angels. I can't remember exact details, as I don't like to dwell in the past that much, but it is said that over time both Angels and demons began to change their appearances to match what us humans believed Angels and demons looked like. I have never been able to get that out of my head since first knowing that.
I am the type of person who questions everything, especially the paranormal. There is so much us humans are being prevented from knowing but we need to break through that and find the truth regardless of who prevents us from knowing the truth. With the help of an Angel I found an important truth out, a truth I was beginning to suspect was true some time beforehand. But during my last extraterrestrial encounter, and especially the one before that, I knew something was not as it appeared to be with extraterrestrials.
If you have ever experienced a demon, and knew it was a demon, you will know what I am talking about. It especially helps if you have also experienced a Grey extraterrestrial as well. It doesn't matter which species of Grey you have encountered because the Grey species of extraterrestrials are my main target here.
I don't know how to write this up, so I will give you some basic information that I have personally learnt about demons (by them interacting with me). This information is about the red-eyed demons, as I call them. I call them that because usually that is all you physically see - their eyes - which appear to somewhat glow red. When I first encountered the small group of red-eyed demons (around 1985) I was walking alone around a small valley behind where I used to live. This occurred during the day when the sun was still in the sky. I used to visit this valley to specifically find fossils of sea creatures and rocks for building retaining walls for my garden. In a small area of this valley was a rather unsettling area which made me feel very nervous, scared and inside myself I was already running away for my life. On the outside of myself I just avoided that area of the valley at all costs and stayed a good distance away from that area. I couldn’t help but feel there were evil presences in that area as that was all that I could feel and it was a very prominent, noticeable feeling within me. It was such a strong feeling, even from a 100 or more metres distance away, that all the hairs on the back of my neck stood up and I began to shake from the fear of this unknown evil source itself. This was confirmed by the fact I began to see their red eyes and only their eyes! That really freaked me out. These entities were indeed demons.
Red-eyed demons are not your normal demons. They are more evil in nature, and are assigned to specific humans to make these humans even more evil than what they already are. It is apparent that the red-eyed demons influence humans in such a way that is literally terrifying to a normal, good natured human being. Their mission seems to be to make the human it is assigned to so evil that there is no chance of love, compassion, or goodness to penetrate that person at all. But the real purpose is to make human not think about God or that humans are divine in nature, and to get humans to eventually go crazy and do something so evil that there will never be any chance for that human to be redeemed or saved by God/Jesus. Perhaps this is Satan’s method to capture human souls to strengthen his army of demons? Either way, these red-eyed demons are not to be messed with and to be avoided at all costs.
In my life time I have only encountered these particular types of demons twice. The most recent encounter was just two years ago, roughly. Who really takes written note of these sort of encounters anyway?
During the most recent event, I had encountered just one red-eyed demon and it was on my front lawn around 10PM. I first saw it hiding behind a bush with its eyes glaring at me. It knew I was up to something. At first I was terrified of it but then remembered that if you leave them alone they will leave you alone. So I began to not fear it knowing it would not harm me physically anyway. Oh, it tried to scare me senseless by coming very close to me and looking right at me. It got right in my face at one point, and despite the sheer terror I felt in its presence I calmly walked around it knowing it was not going to hurt me and went back inside. The demon tried blocking my path to prevent me going inside. I wasn’t about to let one demon prevent me from going back inside – that was just plain ridiculous!
Demons, of all their different levels of “evil nature” are less of a threat to me, and less scary than some of the extraterrestrials I have encountered. Demons do not intentionally go out of their way to physically hurt you, not even the most evil of ones. However, extraterrestrials, the bad ones anyway, can and will go out of their way to hurt you physically. Just look at those Gray aliens that abduct people. They do all kinds of nasty things to us humans, and I’ve even heard they sever limbs off people and stitch them back up – all without anaesthetics. I can’t even comprehend how much pain a human would go through in this example but I’m sure it would be 1000 or more times the amount of pain any human could bear. No demon in their right mind would ever do such a thing to a human being I can tell you that much. Well, this is what I was lead to believe.
But, going back to these red-eyed demons…..they cannot and will not befriend a human under any circumstance. Often, if in a group, if a human approaches them they will warn the human to go away or suffer the consequences of an attack. They are blunt, to the point, and don’t care who they intimidate, terrorise or threaten. They are fearless and unstoppable.
My point to all of this is you basically know the intentions of a red-eyed demon even if it is not obvious at the time. If you are familiar with demons as I am in their raw form then you’d also know they will not physically harm you intentionally unless provoked or if you ignore what they say: to go away!
Being in the presence of a red-eyed demon close up feels like this: firstly you feel the presence of evil, so much evil that you seem powerless against defending yourself. Secondly you instantly feel sheer terror run through your body whilst you shake on the inside. Then you feel the demon penetrate your consciousness as if raping your mind, but its actually not doing that. It just feels that way. The demon is just attempting to connect with your mind to make its presence felt by you. If you manage to see its eyes you find you cannot look in them for any more than a few microseconds. You then feel threatened by the demon’s presence. You feel alone and insecure, unsure of what will happen next. If you move the demon will follow you. However, these things only seem to occur outside in the dark. If you go inside the demon will not follow you, generally. I can’t speak for everyone here and there are bound to be some variations on what these demons do but this is what I do know about them to date.
Of all the types of demons I have encountered only these red-eyed demons make me totally nervous and scare me senseless. I know deep down inside if a battle ensued between the demon and myself I would probably lose.
If you think demons are the nastiest and manipulative beings in creation think again because they are not! They have a job to do just as Angels have jobs to do. You must remember that demons were once Angels a very long time ago and as such cannot harm a single hair on our heads unless in self defense.
I took most of this information from my other blog (The Extraterrestrial Database, previously known as The Extraterrestrial Species Encyclopedia) and wondered how time has altered my sense of perception about demons and extraterrestrials alike. I always thought that demons were not allowed to hurt us physically but this is indeed wrong because I have heard stories where demons have attacked humans physically, and nearly killed (or have killed) the humans. So, in this case, my perception of demons was wrong at the time.
But what has this got to do with extraterrestrials? Let's talk about the Greys. The Greys are well known for terrorizing humans, instilling fear in them, abducting humans, disecting humans and putting them back together, as well as other inhumane things they do to us - if we survive it. Demons and the Greys have numerous things in common:
- They both steal human souls in order to consume them.
- They both instil fear and terror in humans.
- They both emit "evil" energy.
- They both mostly interact with humans of a night time.
- They both emit such intense evil that it is almost impossible to look into their eyes.
- They are both deceptive and manipulative toward humans.
- They both threaten your very existance, and make you feel threatened.
- They both make you feel incapable of protecting yourself against them.
- They both lie to cover their true intentions toward you.
- They both will never do anything good toward you.
- They both will mislead you and tell you prophecies that will never come true.
- They both lead you to believe you something greater about themselves, but in the end it turns out to be false information.
- They both tend to get in your face (I mean that in the sense that they both physically get really close to your face with their face) in order to instil "sheer terror" in you even more.
- A human will have the same physical reaction to both a Grey and a demon, if the human is not used to either one interacting with them - which is a human will freeze (or become paralyzed) in fear. The Greys use that reaction to then abduct the human in a much easier manner.
- They both have the ability to change shape at will, but I have yet to hear of an encounter with a Grey whereby the Grey has actually changed shape.
- They both make you feel "POWERLESS AGAINST THEM".
The main question that needs to be answered here is why demons have resorted to attacking humans in this manner. You just need to look around you and realize there are no demons, generally, in sight. Barely anyone is speaking about demons, or that they have been attacked by a demon. Everyone is, however, speaking of UFOs and extraterrestrials. The stories of old of demons attacking humans just doesn't seem to be happening like it used to. And now humans are not so much worried about demons than they are of extraterrestrials. Why is that? Why are humans being abducted by so-called extraterrestrials yet there are barely any demons anywhere to be seen?
Let's go to South America for a moment, because I want to validate my point here as to what I am saying is true. Everyone knows that whenever a demon possesses someone or something (an animal) the eyes of that creature or person turns red. Demons themselves normally have red eyes anyway, so therefore, any extraterrestrial that has red eyes is normally going to be demonic in nature rather than extraterrestrial in nature. It is just the way it is with demons. Those aliens that have red eyes that were spotted in South America, and whom also crouch, are nothing more than demons. The crouching position is typical of a demon, and they do it alot, especially if they are attacking or threatening a human. In nature, with intelligent Beings, red eyes are unnatural. Humans, even the most evil of ones, do not have red eyes. So, there you have it!
But I hear you say that the Greys do not have red eyes? Yes, that is true, but you must remember that the Greys are not really extraterrestrials. They are demons disguising themselves as extraterrestrials, as because they are in disguise you will not be able to see their red eyes. However, the "evil" is still present, and it is still present because demons are incapable of truly disguising their evil nature when they take on the form of something that is just as evil as themselves. The one thing that I know is true is that the Greys and demons give off the exact same energy - evil, fear, and sheer terror. If these two creatures were not the same thing then the Greys would not have the exact same energy as demons. It is just that simple. Besides, what is the chances of two creatures having the exact same energy?
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