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Wednesday 16 November 2011

Something to waste your time - so don't read it!

A nice way of saying a whole pack of lies in a bombshell. Many, many thoughts cross my mind every day....like this one....How to think like a demon in order to outsmart the human species?

If I were a demon, which I'm not, but if I was, I could easy leave any one of you believing I was strictly a divine Being, possibly even an extraterrestrial, or worse, a human that has been personally blessed by God himself who has special powers on Earth. What would be my agenda for saying such a thing in the first place? My agenda would simply be to ruin your life enough to leave you not only blinded by my truth but also, to lead you away from the truth of who you really are.

If you think about that for a moment, how many times have you read (or personally encountered) an extraterrestrial or a divine Angel that has said something to you that has actually verified your beliefs about God and yourself or verified your beliefs that something sinister has taken place? Now how many encounters have you read about that have left people totally confused, scared for their life (and that of their families), and have never been able to get passed the fact of what has happened to them? Encountering anything or anyone (ET or Angel) that actually verifies your beliefs is a rare occurrence. It does happen though, even in part, and even if it is masked by other events. The truth will always be revealed, somehow. It is usually revealed in a profound way so we humans can't forget it. By verifying to us our inner most beliefs is God's way of saying "I'm listening. I hear you. Now listen to me."

So, going back on my hypothesis IF I WERE a demon, what purpose would I have to writing all this stuff, as well as offering free UFO ebooks to download from this site? That answer is simple....to keep you believing that extraterrestrials are real, and that they are not associated with demons or Satan; that ETs and demons are two separate types of Beings. Notice Jesus Christ or God is barely, if ever, mentioned when encountering an alien or a so-called Angel? Notice how demons no longer appear to be bothering humans nor attacking them anymore? Why aren't these demonic physical attacks happening or being spoken about? Why are we humans encountering these so-called Beings in the first place?

Okay, years ago, Satan and his minions (demons), which you must remember were once divine Angels but are not that anymore, were spotted all the time. They were spotted fighting Angels, and there were many reports of demons actually attacking humans. Can you see where this line of thought is leading to?

Most true demonic encounters now seems to occur anywhere but the USA. Sure there may be a few encounters of demons that I have missed, that still occur in the USA, but generally speaking the greater majority of the demonic encounters happening on Earth right now have taken on a different life form of its own - as extraterrestrials and UFOs. It is happening right under our noses and we are not seeing the attacks for who these Beings really are - demons!

Originally Posted By Shirley E Hardy At 1:40 PM 
Wednesday, November 16, 2011


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