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Wednesday 16 November 2011

Handwriting is a dieing skill

I know I haven't been on this blog for a while and I find it hard to continue writing about extraterrestrials. There is really only so much I can say before I run out of information to add.

I have actually been having a break from this site, and have turned my attention back to website designing for Blogger users. (I am also trying to find an online course in web design.) I love making Blogger templates. For me it is like picking up a paint brush or a pencil and resuming my art career (or lack thereof one) again. Being creative and designing something is in my blood. But writing on the computer all the time, at a keyboard, is something I need to break away from.

You see, I have learnt that constantly typing at a keyboard for hours on end, and if you do nothing else, and do not write by hand anything at all, over time you will forget how to write by hand. I have not written a letter by hand for about 16-24 months, and when I began to write up by hand some notes in cursive, I actually couldn't write cursive properly. I used to have lovely hand writing. Many people would compliment me on my cursive hand writing. Now my handwriting sort of looks like scribble, like someone learning how to write cursive.

Computers and the Internet are fine but they do take a toll on you. I wonder how many people don't get enough exercise because they sit at a computer for long hours every week? I wonder how many people have forgotten how to write by hand? How many people have thrown out their board games and replaced them with Facebook games? When was the last time anyone played scrabble with someone, at home? And I don't mean on the computer either. How many people still walk their dog/s, or take their children to the park or somewhere where they can play? How many generations will pass before our children stop playing outside in the mud? When was the last time a child played in a puddle of water and made mud pies? I'm talking about children aged 11 upwards. Computers must be one of the biggest anti-social tools on Earth. Once hooked, you would rather talk to someone on the internet than on the street. Socializing with real humans (in relation to humans on the internet) is becoming non-existant. At the rate things are going, humans will cease interacting with each other in person, and humans will become so very lonely. I can tell you that interacting with people in person is still far more rewarding than talking to anyone on the internet. No offense, but unless you can insert your face into the monitor and chat with me, I'm simply not interested in chatting with anyone on the internet. You cannot replace human nature with automation and mindlessness of computer technology.

A lot of human skills are sacrificed just by getting on the internet. I have noticed a drastic increase in humans spelling the simpliest of words poorly. I do my best at spelling words, and I never use a spell checker, as I'm confident enough with my spelling. If I'm not sure about how a word is spelt, I'll look it up in a dictionary. You know, those things that are called books - made from paper and have words printed in them! Does anyone, apart from myself, even own a dictionary anymore, let alone use one?

You can blame the invention of the internet on your bad spelling online. The internet is a mindless automated world. Sure there's good things about the internet existing, but what price are we humans paying as a result for being a part of that reality? I am told that, for example, resumes that are written by hand are no longer acceptible at job interviews. WTF? Isn't it important to know if a potential employee can even write by hand or does that not matter anymore? Are humans becoming illiterate in their writing skills? If this is not the case then are humans able to write something neatly and make it look legible?

Personally, I think that if humans must be on the Internet, as especially a part of social network sites, then one must have the option of adding their own handwriting font to their profile or blog. That is what I am working on achieving.

Originally Posted By Shirley E Hardy At 1:00 PM


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