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Wednesday 16 November 2011

Just something I wrote some time ago.

We are all aware that something is going on in our reality. We all know about extraterrestrials and UFOs. We video tape them and they show up on our cameras, both hand held ones and online webcams (e.g. traffic cams). We know deep down for certainty these creatures and space craft are real. We - if abducted by these creatures - are returned home with all kinds of bruises, markings and implants. This can be verified scientifically by doctor examinations, xrays, and other forms of medical procedures by our human medical experts. The proof that these creatures are real is undeniable, in reality, whether we are in denial or not.

So, what is actually happening on Earth right now? Has Satan been "let loose for 1,000 years on Earth" as mentioned in the Bible? It is possible that this could have been the case, because prior to the 1940s very little was happening in the way of a UFO phenomenon, to my knowledge. But I'm lead to believe to ask why Satan has begun to manifest his minions (demons) on Earth in the first place? Why manifest into something that we can see, feel, touch and photograph? Perhaps, this has been going on since our creation and we simply just didn't pay attention to it until more recently?

Going on my own encounter with a manifested demon - that demon's intention was to terrify me; to scare me senseless; and to make me feel vulnerable to it's powers and abilities. Mind you, this was back in 1985, prior to my very first alien encounter/UFO sighting. Terrifying and attacking humans is what demons seem to live for and will continue to do so until the day they simply cease to exist.

Demons have obviously found a new scare tactic to mess with our minds and to confuse us. They are quick to learn that we are no longer terrified by them simply manifesting themselves and attacking us. Well, not like we used to be anyway. We seem to know better and generally have help to get rid of them in that manner by calling upon Jesus Christ for assistance, or whichever other method works for whatever other religious belief is out there.

But as demons are disguising themselves as extraterrestrials there seems to be some sort of different rules being applied. I mean, when I was abducted by aliens I never saw one divine Angel at all, or anyone who ever came to my assistance. I don't know if I had to experience the whole abduction thing alone or not, or if that was God's intention or not, but I always felt too vulnerable when and after I was abducted. Having the rules change could mean anything really.

The real question here is are we humans being tested? I've had some pretty bizarre experiences that I would consider being "tests by God". I don't talk about them because, well, no-one would simply believe me. I do believe, though that we humans are experiencing a learning cycle, and it is all about "demons". What else could all of this UFO phenomenon be? You can't tell me that extraterrestrials actually exist because there is no proof that they actually exist. Something exists but it is not real extraterrestrials from outer space.

Originally Posted By Shirley E Hardy At 1:36 PM   Share 0 Comments
On Wednesday, November 16, 2011


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