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Tuesday 19 March 2019

We all want to be loved

Don't you just hate it when you bother to write a post or simply just ask a question on Facebook yet noone reads it or answers your question? I stopped caring about that a long time ago.  What is the point in caring about what other people think They have their own lives to live, their own thoughts to deal with, and it does not matter to me anymore.

We are all human Beings and as such we all live different lives from each other. That's what makes life so much more interesting but at the same time scary.

In this day and age where technology is everywhere and is used for everything people tend to forget how to treat each other. Treating each other with respect, unconditional love, trust, and kindness is easy enough to do if you have a good heart to begin with. On the inside we are all the same. We all want to be loved. We all want to be free to do whatever we want to do. It is hard to live life with people putting us down and having restrictions on how we are supposed to live life.

How is anyone supposed to live life when life seems to be against us, when society is against free thinkers?

Monday 18 March 2019

Because it is fun!

This following is just for my own reference at this time and somewhere to put it off the main blog.

I finally finished it. I like it anyway. When bored and have nothing to write about, create a scenery instead! It will keep you busy for hours.

Monday 11 March 2019

Trying to fix this template

It is not easy but I am trying to fix this template to make it look better. Nothing seems to be working though. The codes are not changing anything so I have to keep trying.

and by the end of the night I replaced the entire template with a new one that I don't need to work on.

Wednesday 15 August 2018

No title just me rambling

15 August 2018

I was a Christian most of my life. I used to believe in God, Jesus and Angels and the existance of Satan. But where has it got me? I have lost my hopes and dreams to make a better life for myself and my family. I am still poor. I am worse off health-wise because what I wanted God supposedly took me literally as to what I wanted. But then again, what I really want God does nothing about despite my begging and pleadings.

I have learnt that if you are exceptionally emotional over something you want and that is all that you can think about, then you will receive it.

Under normal circumstances I move on quickly from things and people. I get over them quickly and move on with life. But when God brings you shit in your life and refuses to allow you to move on from it, then there is something wrong. My faith in God has flown out the window. No-one up there is listening to me. This makes me wonder if there was anyone up there in Heaven in the first place.

I've concluded that none of the Spiritual realm is real. That God is not real, Angels are not real, Jesus is not real. That it is all an illusion. That we somehow create a religious illusion because we are deeply grieving about something when we are at a young age. I think that is how it happened for me anyway.

My thoughts on time travel....

15 August 2018 ·

I've seen videos on people who have claimed to be from the future and came bak to this time. Really? After studying said videos, my first thought was why would they ome bak in the first place?

Secondly, if they were truly from the future then how come their vocabulary has not changed. What I mean by that is, over time, certain words get dropped from our vocabular and new words and phrases appear. This is a know fact.

Thirdly, why is it only young people who come back if, as they claim, humans will live longer in the future?

Fourthly, people's accents. As they claim, if time travel is a common thing and ETs are everywhere on Earth and elsewhere, then shouldn't humans start taking on different accents and actually vocalize words better than ever if said travellers were true in what they say is true?

Fifthly, a lot of these supposed time travellers speak bad English or no English at all. It is the bad English speakers I am targeting here. If their English is so bad and they come back to this year, surely you would think they would learn to speak English (or any tongue) fluently first, in order to communicate properly.

Sixthly, technology. From what I have been learning is you are not allowed to influence those you visit in a new time/dimension with anything, especially with future knowledge. So, why are people coming back and telling people of new technologies?

Seventhly, time travelling itself. From what I have learnt, time travelling - as these travellers are claiming this is how it works - that they enter a machine then travel back in time (or forward) and they end up in a different dimension. A parallel dimension. Now, if this is the actual case, time travellers are NOT from our immediate future but are from a different parallel dimension. What they share with us is irrelevant to our future, period. What they claim will happen cannot happen as we do not live/exist in their parallel dimension. It is that simple.

Tuesday 14 August 2018

Oh, the joys of drought. Clear blue skies, no clouds, no rain for most of the year actually. The grass in the area, including the front lawn, is mostly dead or dormant, and is ever so slightly a yellow-green colour. The grass is crunchy to walk on. Here's some pics I took a few minutes ago of my area as well as showing the bushfire to the north of here (at Wallangarra on the NSW/QLD border). Please excuse the wrong date stamp on the photos. I just got my camera working properly again.

Monday 19 March 2012

It feels like something has changed at home

On Saturday I bought two new mobile phones, one for myself and one for my brother. Then yesterday I bought a third mobile phone as my brother liked my new mobile phone over his. So now I have two mobile phones. Last night I set the alarm on both the mobile phones and decided to leave them on my desk instead of next to my bed. I was surprised this morning that my new mobile phones had not disappeared before the alarms went off.

Yesterday whilst on Youtube I came across a video titled "Prayer to make demons leave your home" (which has since been removed or deleted from Youtube) and so I listened to it, and just let the guy intervene on my behalf. After about an hour after the video had finished something felt different. Perhaps my home felt lighter. I heard an Angel tell me something about the trouble will no longer happen, or "they will no longer bother you." It was something like that anyway. I was tired when I heard the Angel whisper in my ear and cannot remember the exact words the Angel said to me. I felt relieved but I still wasn't confident enough to fully believe the exact words I heard as being true. I was still cautious.

I would like to believe that the Prayer actually worked and the demon is gone for good. Demons have been known to come back, and they do tend to come back after a while here. My daughter and I are troubled by demons and enough is enough. I can't take it anymore. Even I am now having trouble sleeping and for the last two nights I have left all the lights on when I've gone to bed.

I have to have faith in what the Angel said to me for it is my only piece of sanity at the moment. I remember now, the Angel said to me, and I quote "The demon will no longer trouble you!" It was weird, as when the Angel said this I felt a connection with the Angel, the same connection I haven't felt in a long time. The Angel made me feel the connection it had with God - that is the connection I actually felt with my entire Being, sensed and saw in my mind.

I have somehow moved far away from the connection I had with the Angels, and I do not know how it came into Being. But I need to restore that connection with the Angels again as it is the only way I know how to connect with God directly.

I do know one thing though about extraterrestrials - it is demons who are pushing us in that direction because they don't want us connected to God.

Friday 6 January 2012

How to identify your soul mate

I first learnt about soul mates probably 10 or so years ago via reading a magazine article on the topic. The article was vague and I thought soul mates was some made up fantasy story until I encountered a human male that was not like any other chance meeting of a human being. Every day we physically lay eyes on people all around us - those of us who are fortunate to not be actually blind. Sometimes we will find a person of the opposite gender attractive and will continue to look at them but for the most part we do not take notice of most people look that we see. We do this because deep down we are all on the path to find our soul mates, and we are not consciously aware of what we are doing when we look twice at other people.

One of my burning questions in life is "If soul mates do exist how do you tell the difference between a soul mate and someone who is not your soul mate?" Considering there are billions of people on Earth right now, the chances of bumping into one's soul mate may be next to impossible because no-one has yet defined that actual experience of meeting a soul mate. Therefore, knowing what to look for, for us individually, is still like walking around with your eyes closed.

Throughout my life I have come across a handful of specific individuals by chance. They were all males (me being a female) but they were from a wide variety of lifestyles and social classes. These males I have encountered are not like other males I usually encounter. There were attractions to these people that I cannot describe as anything less than spiritual, or, attractions of my spirit to their spirit. The encounters were almost magical in nature that defied everything about logical choices for choosing a mate. Researching my own experiences with my own soul mates led me to want to share this information with others, as if it was the right thing to do. How many people actually know what to look for in another person that will help them to identify whether they are their soul mate or not? How many people would even reveal that information to others for free? How many people would be willing to help others identify their soul mate/s because they believe people deserve to be happy?

Perhaps I live in a fantasy world where I expect everyone to be happy all the time. Perhaps I expect too much of my fellow humans for them to share information freely with others. Perhaps I expect too much of people to express love to their neighbours and fellow humans as you would to your own children or parents - unconditionally. Perhaps I just expect too much from people in general and only wish for humans to live a more satisfying and fulfilling life. Like a mother raising a child, I only wish to see everyone experience happiness that makes them feel loved, complete, and joyous. I have always considered myself to be different from the way other people think and in general as time goes on and life becomes more complicated and more technologically driven, people are becoming less happy with their lives and this makes me very sad.

The mystery of not knowing:
For I don't know how long in time, humans have not really been able to identify a soul mate from the average person. This may be due to the fact people are not willing to share their discoveries, or whether people take advantage of other people by making them pay for that knowledge. Either way, discovering how to identify your soul mate became a need for me to share that information so at least someone could take advantage of what I have learnt and experienced. You see, it is my belief that each and every individual human being on Earth has a right to feel complete, to feel love and experience happiness beyond what they are currently experiencing. Only connecting with their soul mate will achieve that higher level of happiness and love, in my opinion. My own insecurities as a human being also come into play here as I lack my soul mate in my life, but if after reading this post someone identifies their soul mate and then forms a loving relationship with that person, I will be delighted beyond words knowing that our world is two people closer to living in a perfect world.

My recommendations:
To locate a soul mate is not something I would recommend someone actively to seek out. I do not recommend it because you may not find your soul mate, or, it may take years to locate him or her. What I do recommend is keeping your eyes open for the tell tale signs of what will happen when you and your soul mate lay eyes on each other. Meeting your soul mate seems to happen by chance.

What I will reveal to you:
I have encountered about 6 to 8 individuals that I can only describe to be my soul mates. I never knew they were my soul mates at the time and as such I let each and every one of them slip through my fingers and my life. However, I wish to share the information I obtained over the years of what it is like to encounter your soul mate. I will attempt to describe in this post every aspect of what one experiences when first encountering one's soul mate so that you will know your soul mate when you encounter him or her.

Your soul mate at first glance:
The soul mate (person) you encounter, under normal cisrcumstances, may not even grab your attention to consider dating or marrying that person. Under normal circumstances you may find that person unappealing or unattractive, or too attractive, or too old or too young for you, etc.

The person, from a distance to you, will look like just another human being. You will, more than likely, not be able to identify your soul mate from a crowd of people, unless you both happen to make eye contact with each other. There will not be anything unusual about your soul mate, from a visual distance from yourself. There will be no signs from a visual distance to say that person is your soul mate.


Your soul mate and you at close range:
At close visual range from your soul mate, something magical happens. You begin to "feel" things you have never felt before - unless you have gone through this experience beforehand. The very first thing you feel is an attraction to the other person. It is unlike any normal attraction to another person of the opposite gender. It is like your spirit is attracted to their spirit but you don't know why. This attraction is almost like a magnetic pulling of your soul (or spirit) to their soul (or spirit). You are drawn to them and they are drawn to you.

You then cannot take your eyes off that person. No matter where you look, you will always be drawn back into looking into their eyes. As you look into their eyes, which you will find you cannot stop doing, you will find the other person's eyes really shines and twinkles. There is something that happens with the eyes that I cannot find the words for. Its almost like they suddenly light up and they radiate more divine light out of them. It is very visually noticable to you anyway. You will also be consumed by the thought of this other person, and it will stay with you for as long as you are alive on Earth.

In the situation of encountering your soul mate, your sense of judgement about the individual completely disappears. If you make eye contact with that person, which usually does occur, your feelings about the other person becomes very, VERY intense.

If you are within 6 feet of your soul mate the next thing that happens is you become speechless. You feel "in divine awe" of the other person - which again you cannot explain why you are feeling that way. It is almost like you are standing before God (or whomever you call God) and you see God and you are left speechless and are in awe of his presence. Its almost the same feeling. You know what you are feeling at that very moment is exactly what the other person is feeling too. And you can see it in their face that that is true - going on their facial expressions. These feelings are both shared by you and the other person at the exact same time and at the exact same intensity.

Talking to your soul mate:
The very first few moments before either one of you speak will be likened to awkward silence. It is, however, not so much "awkward" as it is "uncertainty of not knowing what to say to the other person" despite the fact you may have a hundred questions you want to ask the other person about how you are feeling that very moment. But you may not ask those questions (in fear of being ridiculed for asking stupid questions), or feeling it may not seem right to ask those questions at that very moment in time.

Should you actually speak to the other person you will find it difficult to speak. You will find you will need to find the strength to force yourself to physically speak in order to utter the first words out of your mouth. The other person will have the exact same trouble with speaking as you will.

Mustering up the strength to talk is the hardest part that you will experience but once you get passed that part speaking to the other person is a little bit easier .

The very next thing that crosses your mind after being able to talk to that person is wanting to touch them physically. I'm not talking about anything sexual here, rather just the need to touch the other person as if wanting to confirm that they are physically real, and can be touched by you.

Other things about your soul mate:
You feel like you want to be with this person all the time but don't know how to go about it. You feel, after speaking with this person, complete at last, yet you both have not created a "relationship" with each other yet. You feel like this bond that has formed between the two of you, is not so much Heaven sent, but for a lack of better words, the other person was made just for you; for you to share the rest of your life with. You know this bond is more than mere physical attraction, and well, physical attraction has nothinhg to do with the bond that has formed between the two of you. You know it is divine in nature but can't identify how it is divine in nature. You simply "experience it" without judgement, without the restraints of the ego, and without the conscious choice of wanting or needing to be with that other person. It is a bond that goes beyond all the physical limitations of our ego, of our desires to find the perfect mate in life. It simply "IS perfect" to us in every sense of the word.

In the soul mate scenerio those choices not only don't exist, they are the complete opposite of what you judge a person and yourself to be. The best way for me to describe a soul mate is - the other person was made just for you; to be your perfect other half to your existence on Earth; to be the person who is capable of fulfilling those traits you lack; a person to complete you and make you feel whole; a mate who will love you in return as much as you wish to be fully loved; etc.

Your first meeting with this other person will be different than what you have encountered before. Your normal intuition about a potential partner, or someone to date, is not applicable in these circumstances. Your sense of judgement over whether he/she might be compatable, or whether you even want to get to know him/her does not apply. Your attraction to this person is not of a conscious choice. Under normal circumstances - if he was not your soul mate, you may not even look twice at him/her. You may actually think he/she is too old or too young for you; or might remind you of someone you previously went out with and it didn't work out so you decide not to experience that type of relationship again; or you may just not want to consider having a relationship with another person. Whatever your reason for not picking that person, under normal circumstances, there is an obvious choice/s that you make to come to that conclusion.

The connection or bond that happens between you and the other person is instantaneously formed the moment you both make eye contact with each other. The bond seems to be eternal in nature, and seems to be filled with unconditional love for the other person. This occurs at a much deeper level than the conscious mind. Although you are fully conscious of what you are both feeling within yourselves is the same as the other is experiencing, you cannot explain why it is happening in the first place - except perhaps get a feeling at some point that "It is simply feels right".

You and your soul mate will feel the exact same way about the each other. There is no denying or doubt about that fact. You will both respond to each other in the same manner to each other. You will both be able to telepathically communicate to each other and respond to each other without saying a word.

Imagine a world where EVERYONE is completely happy, completely in love, and feeling completely whole. What a beautiful world that would be.

Oriinally Posted By Shirley E Hardy At 5:10 PM 
Friday, January 6, 2012

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Something to waste your time - so don't read it!

A nice way of saying a whole pack of lies in a bombshell. Many, many thoughts cross my mind every day....like this one....How to think like a demon in order to outsmart the human species?

If I were a demon, which I'm not, but if I was, I could easy leave any one of you believing I was strictly a divine Being, possibly even an extraterrestrial, or worse, a human that has been personally blessed by God himself who has special powers on Earth. What would be my agenda for saying such a thing in the first place? My agenda would simply be to ruin your life enough to leave you not only blinded by my truth but also, to lead you away from the truth of who you really are.

If you think about that for a moment, how many times have you read (or personally encountered) an extraterrestrial or a divine Angel that has said something to you that has actually verified your beliefs about God and yourself or verified your beliefs that something sinister has taken place? Now how many encounters have you read about that have left people totally confused, scared for their life (and that of their families), and have never been able to get passed the fact of what has happened to them? Encountering anything or anyone (ET or Angel) that actually verifies your beliefs is a rare occurrence. It does happen though, even in part, and even if it is masked by other events. The truth will always be revealed, somehow. It is usually revealed in a profound way so we humans can't forget it. By verifying to us our inner most beliefs is God's way of saying "I'm listening. I hear you. Now listen to me."

So, going back on my hypothesis IF I WERE a demon, what purpose would I have to writing all this stuff, as well as offering free UFO ebooks to download from this site? That answer is simple....to keep you believing that extraterrestrials are real, and that they are not associated with demons or Satan; that ETs and demons are two separate types of Beings. Notice Jesus Christ or God is barely, if ever, mentioned when encountering an alien or a so-called Angel? Notice how demons no longer appear to be bothering humans nor attacking them anymore? Why aren't these demonic physical attacks happening or being spoken about? Why are we humans encountering these so-called Beings in the first place?

Okay, years ago, Satan and his minions (demons), which you must remember were once divine Angels but are not that anymore, were spotted all the time. They were spotted fighting Angels, and there were many reports of demons actually attacking humans. Can you see where this line of thought is leading to?

Most true demonic encounters now seems to occur anywhere but the USA. Sure there may be a few encounters of demons that I have missed, that still occur in the USA, but generally speaking the greater majority of the demonic encounters happening on Earth right now have taken on a different life form of its own - as extraterrestrials and UFOs. It is happening right under our noses and we are not seeing the attacks for who these Beings really are - demons!

Originally Posted By Shirley E Hardy At 1:40 PM 
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Just something I wrote some time ago.

We are all aware that something is going on in our reality. We all know about extraterrestrials and UFOs. We video tape them and they show up on our cameras, both hand held ones and online webcams (e.g. traffic cams). We know deep down for certainty these creatures and space craft are real. We - if abducted by these creatures - are returned home with all kinds of bruises, markings and implants. This can be verified scientifically by doctor examinations, xrays, and other forms of medical procedures by our human medical experts. The proof that these creatures are real is undeniable, in reality, whether we are in denial or not.

So, what is actually happening on Earth right now? Has Satan been "let loose for 1,000 years on Earth" as mentioned in the Bible? It is possible that this could have been the case, because prior to the 1940s very little was happening in the way of a UFO phenomenon, to my knowledge. But I'm lead to believe to ask why Satan has begun to manifest his minions (demons) on Earth in the first place? Why manifest into something that we can see, feel, touch and photograph? Perhaps, this has been going on since our creation and we simply just didn't pay attention to it until more recently?

Going on my own encounter with a manifested demon - that demon's intention was to terrify me; to scare me senseless; and to make me feel vulnerable to it's powers and abilities. Mind you, this was back in 1985, prior to my very first alien encounter/UFO sighting. Terrifying and attacking humans is what demons seem to live for and will continue to do so until the day they simply cease to exist.

Demons have obviously found a new scare tactic to mess with our minds and to confuse us. They are quick to learn that we are no longer terrified by them simply manifesting themselves and attacking us. Well, not like we used to be anyway. We seem to know better and generally have help to get rid of them in that manner by calling upon Jesus Christ for assistance, or whichever other method works for whatever other religious belief is out there.

But as demons are disguising themselves as extraterrestrials there seems to be some sort of different rules being applied. I mean, when I was abducted by aliens I never saw one divine Angel at all, or anyone who ever came to my assistance. I don't know if I had to experience the whole abduction thing alone or not, or if that was God's intention or not, but I always felt too vulnerable when and after I was abducted. Having the rules change could mean anything really.

The real question here is are we humans being tested? I've had some pretty bizarre experiences that I would consider being "tests by God". I don't talk about them because, well, no-one would simply believe me. I do believe, though that we humans are experiencing a learning cycle, and it is all about "demons". What else could all of this UFO phenomenon be? You can't tell me that extraterrestrials actually exist because there is no proof that they actually exist. Something exists but it is not real extraterrestrials from outer space.

Originally Posted By Shirley E Hardy At 1:36 PM   Share 0 Comments
On Wednesday, November 16, 2011

FREE ADVICE about blogging

One of my pet hates in this world, its in my top 5 list, are those annoying popup advertising windows you see on a lot of websites. They infuriate me because they keep appearing over and over again. On some websites, when you click to go to a new page a dammed popup up advertising window will show up. Now, to make things even worse is getting embed codes from these websites, or any website really, only to find a damned popup advertising window shows up on your blog.

I have had this problem for a very long time, perhaps a year now. At first I didn't know where the first popup advertising window came from, and I done everything but delete my entire blog. I went through every bit of code on my blog but still couldn't find the code for the popup advertising window. Then I started thinking the code itself does not actually exist as a visible code that you can simply remove. If only things were that easy!

Over time I came to learn that these popup advertising windows are invisibly attached to certain objects you add to your blog. They are like a computer virus - but more like an internet virus. They are normally attached to widgets you add to your blog. For example, the website http://www.geovisites.com looks fine when you visit it but the moment you add their widget you end up with a popup advertising window on your site. Even if you delete their links within the widget itself you still end up with the popup advertising window and you can't get rid of it.

However there is a drastic solution to all of this. That solution is to not only delete that widget that created a popup advertising window you got from the website but to you also have to delete your entire blog template too. If you don't delete the widget first and you just decide to delete your template, you end up with the same popup advertising window attached to your new template. Its really a vicious circle!

No matter what you do to your blog, or how nice you have made it, it only takes one popup advertising window attached to your site, to make you regret ever having placed widgets on your site in the first place.

Let's say you want to add a movie to your blog, as I had done. NEVER, EVER, EVER embed a movie from www.movies2k.to. You will end up with an ILivid popup advertising window that not only you can't get rid of but it also tries to download the ILivid movie manager application onto your computer. Watching movies on that site is fine. I don't trust the site to download any of their movies....who knows what would be downloaded to your computer - even if you got the movie at all.

Any time you ever want to add something to your blog or website, use this rule of thumb: If any popup advertising windows show up on a website you are trying to get something from, DON'T GET IT FROM THAT SITE! Keep your site safe and free of popup advertising windows. If you don't you will simply lose out and visitors will refuse to come back to your site. If you do have popup advertising windows showing up on your site, the only way to track them down is to revisit each site you got your widgets from. If a popup advertising window shows up on any of the sites, delete that widget straight away. Do this with all your widgets.

But, these popup advertising windows will not only just show up because they are connected to certain widgets. They can also occur because you have linked your site to a website that has these popup windows on their site. Once that direct connection between your site and their site occurs, your site is also going to display the same popup advertising windows.

There are some blog links in my chatbox, that some of my visitors have kindly left for me, that have been targeted by college popup advertising windows. Actually, these are the worse case scenario blogs because the link to these blogs is ineffective. Meaning, if you go to click on the blog links the blog starts to load momentarily, then the blog gets redirected to another site, then redirected to another site, then redirected to yet another site. There simply is no way to view anybody's blog when you are redirected away from it by some f***ing popup advertising or some link that has made their site unable to load normally.

The following visitors need to go through their blog/site thoroughly and remove the attached links and/or widgets that are causing these popup advertising windows/page redirections to other sites:

Lovely Lady
Life Disney Character
Hotty Totty

After you have done that, delete your template and replace it with a different template. That way those annoying redirections will disappear. But remember one thing - never do what you done in the first place that created those redirection links. Learn from it and be smart next time you want to add links to your sites/blogs.

Who knows how many other people out there who have problems similiar to these folk who are not receiving visitors because their site is targeted by links that either cause popup advertising windows or there's links on their site that redirect visitors away from their site? How many indeed?

Originally Posted By Shirley E Hardy At 1:19 PM 
On Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Handwriting is a dieing skill

I know I haven't been on this blog for a while and I find it hard to continue writing about extraterrestrials. There is really only so much I can say before I run out of information to add.

I have actually been having a break from this site, and have turned my attention back to website designing for Blogger users. (I am also trying to find an online course in web design.) I love making Blogger templates. For me it is like picking up a paint brush or a pencil and resuming my art career (or lack thereof one) again. Being creative and designing something is in my blood. But writing on the computer all the time, at a keyboard, is something I need to break away from.

You see, I have learnt that constantly typing at a keyboard for hours on end, and if you do nothing else, and do not write by hand anything at all, over time you will forget how to write by hand. I have not written a letter by hand for about 16-24 months, and when I began to write up by hand some notes in cursive, I actually couldn't write cursive properly. I used to have lovely hand writing. Many people would compliment me on my cursive hand writing. Now my handwriting sort of looks like scribble, like someone learning how to write cursive.

Computers and the Internet are fine but they do take a toll on you. I wonder how many people don't get enough exercise because they sit at a computer for long hours every week? I wonder how many people have forgotten how to write by hand? How many people have thrown out their board games and replaced them with Facebook games? When was the last time anyone played scrabble with someone, at home? And I don't mean on the computer either. How many people still walk their dog/s, or take their children to the park or somewhere where they can play? How many generations will pass before our children stop playing outside in the mud? When was the last time a child played in a puddle of water and made mud pies? I'm talking about children aged 11 upwards. Computers must be one of the biggest anti-social tools on Earth. Once hooked, you would rather talk to someone on the internet than on the street. Socializing with real humans (in relation to humans on the internet) is becoming non-existant. At the rate things are going, humans will cease interacting with each other in person, and humans will become so very lonely. I can tell you that interacting with people in person is still far more rewarding than talking to anyone on the internet. No offense, but unless you can insert your face into the monitor and chat with me, I'm simply not interested in chatting with anyone on the internet. You cannot replace human nature with automation and mindlessness of computer technology.

A lot of human skills are sacrificed just by getting on the internet. I have noticed a drastic increase in humans spelling the simpliest of words poorly. I do my best at spelling words, and I never use a spell checker, as I'm confident enough with my spelling. If I'm not sure about how a word is spelt, I'll look it up in a dictionary. You know, those things that are called books - made from paper and have words printed in them! Does anyone, apart from myself, even own a dictionary anymore, let alone use one?

You can blame the invention of the internet on your bad spelling online. The internet is a mindless automated world. Sure there's good things about the internet existing, but what price are we humans paying as a result for being a part of that reality? I am told that, for example, resumes that are written by hand are no longer acceptible at job interviews. WTF? Isn't it important to know if a potential employee can even write by hand or does that not matter anymore? Are humans becoming illiterate in their writing skills? If this is not the case then are humans able to write something neatly and make it look legible?

Personally, I think that if humans must be on the Internet, as especially a part of social network sites, then one must have the option of adding their own handwriting font to their profile or blog. That is what I am working on achieving.

Originally Posted By Shirley E Hardy At 1:00 PM

My opinion about aliens and UFOs

What really is the point in doing anything anymore. I do not know what people expect of me on this site. I have no idea whatsoever if anyone even reads my posts. Very few people actually leave comments. This makes me wonder what the hell I am doing here. After deleting 99% of the books from this site, I now wonder why I bothered adding the books in the first place. You see, I really don't think any kind of UFO disclosure is going to happen. WHY? Because despite all the evidence that states UFOS AND ALIENS ARE REAL, there is no real evidence that states these Beings actually come from outer space.

Over the course of half of my life I still have no evidence that state aliens are actually as real as you and I. But if they are real, then no-one will ever really know that for sure. Aliens are not about to give us the proof we need that states they are real. Our governments, even if they are in kahoots with aliens, will never give us the evidence either - simply because they don't know the answer either.

And because aliens can be made to simply go away simply by praying about it states one thing to me: aliens are demons. Ask yourself this: If you pray for a human to go away, does he/she eventually go away? The answer is no because we humans have free will, and we need to experience people, and need to learn how to deal with certain scenarios with people. So, if praying to make humans go away doesn't work, then you can comfortably also deduce that it would not work on aliens either - if indeed they even existed. It would not work on aliens for the exact same reason as for humans - because we need to experience these things, as declared by God/the universe or whatever decides we need these things.

On that note, despite all the books out there on aliens and UFOs (I've counted 1,200 just on one website alone) I honestly think we will not gain any knowledge about aliens or UFOs by reading books about them. Why? Simply because you cannot learn anything about something that does not exist in the first place. We should be actually learning more about demons, in order to discover the real truth behind this absurd phenomenon.

That's my opinion and I don't care who knows it.

Posted By Shirley E Hardy At 11:44 AM

Sunday 2 October 2011

Humans are being brainwashed by extraterrestrials

In my many encounters with extraterrestrials I have come across certain things that state extraterrestrials actually make us not see them if they are on foot. This is specifically true if they are not abducting humans at the time, rather doing something about the human race or instigating some sort of agenda amongst our human species.

I find it very odd that Australia seems to be void, for the most part, of any kind of extraterrestrial activity. If you've never been to Australia, it is a very big country. Its not quite as big as the USA actually. Australia is still developing a large population, and most citizens either live along the coastline or inland within a few hundred kilometres from the coast. Within those regions are many mountain ranges, especially along the eastern coastline of Australia.

But the weird part to all of this is extraterrestrials still operate undercover down here. A few years back I encountered an odd group of what looked like, at first, business men who were in groups of 3s or 4s. They were walking around Tenterfield's Rouse Street between Bruxner Park and the corner of Rouse and High Streets area (on both sides of the road) and most of them seemed to be heading for the Royal Hotel on High Street. About 10 minutes later I learnt a large business meeting was occurring at the Royal Hotel - a local shop worker told me that information.

There were two even weirder things about this event:

1. They were all wearing blue suits with a white shirt, dark blue tie and black shoes, and 2. When I walked passed a group of them it seemed I was the only human actually able to see them. The locals seemed oblivious to their presence.

Tenterfield people generally don't look at strangers - or even other locals for that matter unless they know them and are friends with them. They might give a quick glance at someone but that's about it. The mentality of Tenterfield people is weird indeed. I would not call the local people snobs, even though some act that way. They are hard to befriend and barely anyone here talks about UFOs, even if they see one. I think there is something much deeper happening with the locals and I don't think they are even aware that it is happening to them.

You see, when I approached a group of these so-called business men, in order to walk passed them, I sensed the humans who were also walking passed them were unaware that the aliens were even there on the street. How can any human not see someone standing almost right next to you, within 3-4 feet of where you are walking? Yet the locals never gave these business men even a quick glance nor did they look in their direction. 30 people must have passed these business men within about 45 seconds (It was a busy Thursday or Friday afternoon) in town. Not one single local looked at these men. About 10 people passed me when I was directly behind these aliens, as I was pushing a stroller at the time, and not one of the locals looked at these business men. Strange indeed.

I keep asking myself why these aliens were not being looked at by the locals, and have concluded that they do not want to be seen even though they were plainly visible to me. But then I have also asked myself why I was able to see them yet others were not? I don't know why I could see them. All I know is I could see them. And I knew they were aliens because I thought out loud and concluded they were aliens and one of them heard my thoughts, spun around and glared at me. I've never had any human do that to me before. Humans are not telepathic like that. Humans cannot read the minds of other humans!!!!!

But what about the aliens themselves? I've thought long and hard about this and up until recently I never knew where they actually came from. I often spend a lot of time comparing my extraterrestrial encounters to each other and I have concluded that these business men were extraterrestrials and they originally came from Jupiter's moons. How do I know that? Well, if you read the two encounters I had (the 1990 alien encounter, and the encounter titled "Strange behaviour of the men in suits" I think I called it) you'll notice in both cases the extraterrestrials from Jupiter's moons (in the 1990 encounter) were wearing the exact same thing as these so-called business men. A coincidence? I think not considering that in both cases have been proven to be extraterrestrials. And also with the fact that in 1994 all the moons of Jupiter were evacuated, and about 300,000 of the citizens moved to Earth, some of these aliens are bound to be spotted sooner or later.

If these business men, I saw about 13 of them on that day, were just humans they would not have been wearing the exact same items of clothing. Just think about that for a moment. Now if these aliens were wearing different clothing, different business suits of different colours, they would not have been so noticable, and I probably would not have paid so much attention to their presence. But the fact that 12-13 of them were wearing the exact same suits made them very noticable and made them stand out from the crowded street.

However, something tells me that whatever they were doing had something to do with the devices the three were holding and seemed to be mentally talking in to. Were they brainwashing the locals into believing they were not there and as a result could not see them either? Or were they simply communicating to other group members, perhaps even to the mothership? But why would the need for two of them to be chatting silently away whilst the other one was confronting me? Maybe the other two were trying to brainwash me but it wasn't working. Who knows really.

In conclusion to all of this I have never seen men wearing blue business suits since this encounter. Another coincidence? Again I think not. I may be possibly be under their brainwashing spell/mind-influence and just simply can't see them anymore.

What do you think?

Originally Posted By Shirley E Hardy At 8:37 PM 
Sunday, October 2, 2011

Wednesday 14 September 2011

I am not deterred by anything!

In this day and age we are forced to bend to the will of change, or die. But isn't that always the way? I mean, if someone or something does not change it will end up in a downward spiral of doom until it eventually becomes extinct or dies.

I wanted to write a post about the changes to the Earth that have been happening but I haven't done my research yet. I've had a lot on my mind lately, and I am having trouble thinking about anything outside my own problems right now. But I will say that when the Earth tilts south by about 15 degrees as it did last week I think we have something to worry about. The Earth then corrected it's position within 48 hours and went back to normal! I have never seen that happen here in Australia. Maybe I just wasn't looking at the time. But its not just the Earth tilting - the Earth is actually moving out of it's normal orbit when it happens. I'm still trying to find the right graphics to present this more in another post.

But the fact that the Earth is tilting so dramatically and within such a short period of time can only mean one thing...a pole flip is on the way. Well, actually it could mean a few things - it could also mean the Earth is being pushed out of it's normal orbit, and we might just end up being flung out into space. I'm not scientifically minded but I do know what I see to be true. I mean, the only way for the stars to relocate themselves in the sky is if the Earth tilts. The moon appearing on the wrong angle can only be explained if you relocate the Earth in a different position in space. Thus, the Earth casting a different shadow upon the moon - different to how we normally see it.

You can prove this to yourself as a fact by taking a bright torch and two round objects, one smaller than the other. Using the torch as the sun, the biggest round object as the Earth (I used an orange by the way) and a smaller object as the moon. When you hold the moon up to the Earth, or near it, with the torch light shining upon the two objects, move the two round objects until the light is in the right position for this time of the year. Use two tooth picks to identify where the north and south poles are (or the normal lean (tilt) of the Earth in relation to the sun - I think the Earth's normal tilt is 23 degrees. Then move the Earth up or down out of its normal position to create a new shadow - but making sure the moon is in the right orbit around the Earth. Its fun to do this anyway, if nothing else.

Anyway, back to what I was talking about....changing our ways. A huge amount of people on Earth are confronted with all kinds of problems these days - actually that's everyone really. Our lives have become harder to live, and general living expenses has increased so much that most people are struggling with buying everyday food, petrol, and other items. Our society has reached its climax and now we must either change it, along with ourselves, or be forced into extinction.

But the most disturbing thing for me to witness - and I am a witness because I don't live in the northern hemisphere where most of this occurs - to extraterrestrial activity that has completely maxed out to the limit. I'm talking about the Greys. I'm specifically referring to the Greys in the USA. All I hear is the Greys this and the Greys that, and everyone in the USA seeing their craft or being abducted by the Greys - well, not everyone!

But why is this happening? Why is the Grey's activity mostly in the USA? And don't tell me that the Greys prefer hotter temperatures than cooler climates because that is just bullshit. Australia is the most arid country on Earth - I think. We have day time temperatures of up to 60 degrees celcius inland - in Summer. That's more than 122 degrees fahrenheit. My thermometer only goes up to 50 degrees (122 degrees F) Celcius. But we don't have, at most times, the Greys down here. It is rare for them to come down here but they do come down here from time to time. RARE!

So, if its not the temperature then it has to be something else. Its not the location either nor the geography. Who in their right mind would visit a country that is burdened with tornados? And why does America get so many tornados anyway? Australia doesn't get tornados like America does. We do get them from time to time but only little ones and water spouts. The amount of tornados America gets seems unnatural to me. And why does only America get tornados yet no other country on Earth does? I mean, not to the same volumne and quantity as America does? Tornados are normal but come off it people, this is ridiculous. Who the f*** is doing this to America?

Scientists and/or the Weather Bureau folk will ague with me telling me that tornados are normal in America, and everywhere for that matter, but I have to disagree. It just doesn't seem natural that ONLY ONE COUNTRY ON EARTH (USA) is targeted to receive huge mother f***** tornados every year, for 4 or so months of the year. Surely if they were natural then why isn't Europe being affected by tornados of a monster size. Why aren't larger tornados normal all across the northern hemisphere?

Maybe tornados are like people. They do seem to have a mind of their own, destroying this house or neighbourhood, and leaving the next one untouched. Why is that, anyway? Tornados are nothing more than a whole lot of wind, but very destructive wind at that. Maybe there is a clue in all of this, somewhere.

However, I have noticed that people can actually influence nature (and the weather) by just thinking about it. It is really strange actually, because you can cause the rain to not fall, and if you continue to do so, eventually you get a drought. I have done this myself, and I can tell you that this is true. Maybe you think I am nuts but that is your thoughts not mine. All I know is our human species - each and every one of us - have the ability to do some pretty amazing things with our mind. Our thoughts are POWERFUL. But most humans on Earth are unaware of what abilities lay within themselves, therefore are non the wiser.

But who are we humans anyway? We humans shouldn't be asking that question because it is the wrong question. We should be asking "What are we humans?" I know these things about us humans:

We are capable of influencing nature and everything around us by our thoughts alone.

We have POWER to manipulate our desires and make them become a reality.

We have consciousness that can expand to beyond its normal state of existance or reality or awareness.

Each and every one of us humans have unseen entities (Angels and demons) fighting over us and our souls.

Humans have the ability to talk to God directly.

Humans can do many, many things animals cannot.

Humans have the ability to express God-like volumnes of Love - animals can only express unconditional love.

Within each and every one of us is the ability to answer all our own unanswered questions.

Humans cannot detect what animals detect naturally - the magnetic field of the Earth.

Humans can, however, train themselves to detect the Earth's magnetic field but we don't because that would just freak us out even more than what we already are.

And much more.

So there you have it. A whole lot of stuff and probably means nothing to no-one but we should always keep asking questions about everything. We just need to be asking the right questions! I know I do and nothing is going to deter me from finding out the truth!

Monday 12 September 2011

Contact me to keep up with the changes to this site

Some serious changes are currently underway on this site. I cannot empathise enough about everyone who is downloading ebooks from this site to contact me via email. This is important for you, not me. If you wish to continue downloading ebooks from this site then you must contact me. Why? After I am finished with the changes to this site, and you decide to visit again, you will not have access to any of the ebooks on my site. From your perspective they will all have been deleted. You must keep up with the changes I am making to this site otherwise this site will be absolutely useless to you. So send me an email right now to shirley.hardy@live.com Next week might be too late, and next month WILL BE too late. But if you don't you can always contact me at a later date and I will be happy to update you on all the changes. Either way, it is your choice! And don't forget, please tell me something about yourself - I'd like to know who my visitors are.

Sunday 11 September 2011

The Greys are demons whether you believe it or not!

Since my last extraterrestrial encounter, which happened to be with the Greys, I have known something about them that they don't want anyone to know about. For a very long time now I have always been suspicious about the activities of extraterrestrials - even the supposed good ones. I have never been able to get passed the fact that even the supposed good extraterrestrials abduct us humans and erase our memory of the encounter. Why would they do that? There is no reason to erase our memory.

I have a lot going on in my head. I have had more encounters with demons than I care to imagine - and I knew these demons were demons when it happened. They appeared to me in their demonic (demon) form, or some altered physical form that still represented a demon. But I still knew I was encountering a demon and nothing but a demon. My first physical encounter with a demon occurred in 1985 when one tried to attack me physically. I had this same demon hang around me for at least 6 months straight, day in and day out for 6 months, prior to it attacking me. But that was just one demon though. Other demons have also come my way, ones that did hide their true identities. Over time I became accustomed to what some demons are like, how they interact with us and the type of energy they give off.

Not long after 1985 came a wave of extraterrestrial encounters and the demon encounters faded into oblivion. By each passing year, the type of extraterrestrial I was to encounter become more aggressive, more sneakier in their behaviour, and more cunning in hiding their true identity, and eventually less human looking. In the middle of all of this, in 1994, I had the most bazaarest encounter with extraterrestrials that has left me wondering if they are also evil in nature, even though their physical appearance is human. I ascended to a higher dimension, physically, but it was against my will to do so. Something out there induced this event upon me, for whatever reason, and I am not sure if it was good or bad in nature even though nothing seriously bad happened to me. I have claimed that it was God who induced this upon me - and until I can prove otherwise I will continue to claim that - but I am still skeptical about it.

You see, in my mind I doubt extraterrestrials are actually visiting us humans here on Earth - despite my many encounters with them. I doubt that they are real, despite the proof that UFOs and extraterrestrials are real. To me, something doesn't add up. Something about this whole UFO phenomena doesn't make sense, and something about it all doesn't make it seem real. There is something or someone behind all these UFO encounters/sightings, I will admit that. What I am trying to say here is, despite all the obvious "proofs that extraterrestrials and UFOs are real", somehow there is some kind of illusion happening with this phenomenon that isn't really what it seems to be - and it is sending every human crazy in the process.

Going back into our history there are stories of sightings of UFOs, as well as demons fighting Angels. I can't remember exact details, as I don't like to dwell in the past that much, but it is said that over time both Angels and demons began to change their appearances to match what us humans believed Angels and demons looked like. I have never been able to get that out of my head since first knowing that.

I am the type of person who questions everything, especially the paranormal. There is so much us humans are being prevented from knowing but we need to break through that and find the truth regardless of who prevents us from knowing the truth. With the help of an Angel I found an important truth out, a truth I was beginning to suspect was true some time beforehand. But during my last extraterrestrial encounter, and especially the one before that, I knew something was not as it appeared to be with extraterrestrials.

If you have ever experienced a demon, and knew it was a demon, you will know what I am talking about. It especially helps if you have also experienced a Grey extraterrestrial as well. It doesn't matter which species of Grey you have encountered because the Grey species of extraterrestrials are my main target here.

I don't know how to write this up, so I will give you some basic information that I have personally learnt about demons (by them interacting with me). This information is about the red-eyed demons, as I call them. I call them that because usually that is all you physically see - their eyes - which appear to somewhat glow red. When I first encountered the small group of red-eyed demons (around 1985) I was walking alone around a small valley behind where I used to live. This occurred during the day when the sun was still in the sky. I used to visit this valley to specifically find fossils of sea creatures and rocks for building retaining walls for my garden. In a small area of this valley was a rather unsettling area which made me feel very nervous, scared and inside myself I was already running away for my life. On the outside of myself I just avoided that area of the valley at all costs and stayed a good distance away from that area. I couldn’t help but feel there were evil presences in that area as that was all that I could feel and it was a very prominent, noticeable feeling within me. It was such a strong feeling, even from a 100 or more metres distance away, that all the hairs on the back of my neck stood up and I began to shake from the fear of this unknown evil source itself. This was confirmed by the fact I began to see their red eyes and only their eyes! That really freaked me out. These entities were indeed demons.

Red-eyed demons are not your normal demons. They are more evil in nature, and are assigned to specific humans to make these humans even more evil than what they already are. It is apparent that the red-eyed demons influence humans in such a way that is literally terrifying to a normal, good natured human being. Their mission seems to be to make the human it is assigned to so evil that there is no chance of love, compassion, or goodness to penetrate that person at all. But the real purpose is to make human not think about God or that humans are divine in nature, and to get humans to eventually go crazy and do something so evil that there will never be any chance for that human to be redeemed or saved by God/Jesus. Perhaps this is Satan’s method to capture human souls to strengthen his army of demons? Either way, these red-eyed demons are not to be messed with and to be avoided at all costs.

In my life time I have only encountered these particular types of demons twice. The most recent encounter was just two years ago, roughly. Who really takes written note of these sort of encounters anyway?

During the most recent event, I had encountered just one red-eyed demon and it was on my front lawn around 10PM. I first saw it hiding behind a bush with its eyes glaring at me. It knew I was up to something. At first I was terrified of it but then remembered that if you leave them alone they will leave you alone. So I began to not fear it knowing it would not harm me physically anyway. Oh, it tried to scare me senseless by coming very close to me and looking right at me. It got right in my face at one point, and despite the sheer terror I felt in its presence I calmly walked around it knowing it was not going to hurt me and went back inside. The demon tried blocking my path to prevent me going inside. I wasn’t about to let one demon prevent me from going back inside – that was just plain ridiculous!

Demons, of all their different levels of “evil nature” are less of a threat to me, and less scary than some of the extraterrestrials I have encountered. Demons do not intentionally go out of their way to physically hurt you, not even the most evil of ones. However, extraterrestrials, the bad ones anyway, can and will go out of their way to hurt you physically. Just look at those Gray aliens that abduct people. They do all kinds of nasty things to us humans, and I’ve even heard they sever limbs off people and stitch them back up – all without anaesthetics. I can’t even comprehend how much pain a human would go through in this example but I’m sure it would be 1000 or more times the amount of pain any human could bear. No demon in their right mind would ever do such a thing to a human being I can tell you that much. Well, this is what I was lead to believe.

But, going back to these red-eyed demons…..they cannot and will not befriend a human under any circumstance. Often, if in a group, if a human approaches them they will warn the human to go away or suffer the consequences of an attack. They are blunt, to the point, and don’t care who they intimidate, terrorise or threaten. They are fearless and unstoppable.

My point to all of this is you basically know the intentions of a red-eyed demon even if it is not obvious at the time. If you are familiar with demons as I am in their raw form then you’d also know they will not physically harm you intentionally unless provoked or if you ignore what they say: to go away!

Being in the presence of a red-eyed demon close up feels like this: firstly you feel the presence of evil, so much evil that you seem powerless against defending yourself. Secondly you instantly feel sheer terror run through your body whilst you shake on the inside. Then you feel the demon penetrate your consciousness as if raping your mind, but its actually not doing that. It just feels that way. The demon is just attempting to connect with your mind to make its presence felt by you. If you manage to see its eyes you find you cannot look in them for any more than a few microseconds. You then feel threatened by the demon’s presence. You feel alone and insecure, unsure of what will happen next. If you move the demon will follow you. However, these things only seem to occur outside in the dark. If you go inside the demon will not follow you, generally. I can’t speak for everyone here and there are bound to be some variations on what these demons do but this is what I do know about them to date.

Of all the types of demons I have encountered only these red-eyed demons make me totally nervous and scare me senseless. I know deep down inside if a battle ensued between the demon and myself I would probably lose.

If you think demons are the nastiest and manipulative beings in creation think again because they are not! They have a job to do just as Angels have jobs to do. You must remember that demons were once Angels a very long time ago and as such cannot harm a single hair on our heads unless in self defense.

I took most of this information from my other blog (The Extraterrestrial Database, previously known as The Extraterrestrial Species Encyclopedia) and wondered how time has altered my sense of perception about demons and extraterrestrials alike. I always thought that demons were not allowed to hurt us physically but this is indeed wrong because I have heard stories where demons have attacked humans physically, and nearly killed (or have killed) the humans. So, in this case, my perception of demons was wrong at the time.

But what has this got to do with extraterrestrials? Let's talk about the Greys. The Greys are well known for terrorizing humans, instilling fear in them, abducting humans, disecting humans and putting them back together, as well as other inhumane things they do to us - if we survive it. Demons and the Greys have numerous things in common:
  • They both steal human souls in order to consume them.
  • They both instil fear and terror in humans.
  • They both emit "evil" energy.
  • They both mostly interact with humans of a night time.
  • They both emit such intense evil that it is almost impossible to look into their eyes.
  • They are both deceptive and manipulative toward humans.
  • They both threaten your very existance, and make you feel threatened.
  • They both make you feel incapable of protecting yourself against them.
  • They both lie to cover their true intentions toward you.
  • They both will never do anything good toward you.
  • They both will mislead you and tell you prophecies that will never come true.
  • They both lead you to believe you something greater about themselves, but in the end it turns out to be false information.
  • They both tend to get in your face (I mean that in the sense that they both physically get really close to your face with their face) in order to instil "sheer terror" in you even more.
  • A human will have the same physical reaction to both a Grey and a demon, if the human is not used to either one interacting with them - which is a human will freeze (or become paralyzed) in fear. The Greys use that reaction to then abduct the human in a much easier manner.
  • They both have the ability to change shape at will, but I have yet to hear of an encounter with a Grey whereby the Grey has actually changed shape.
  • They both make you feel "POWERLESS AGAINST THEM".
There is a lot more similarities between the two that I could just go on and on about it, but I will stick with these main ones.

The main question that needs to be answered here is why demons have resorted to attacking humans in this manner. You just need to look around you and realize there are no demons, generally, in sight. Barely anyone is speaking about demons, or that they have been attacked by a demon. Everyone is, however, speaking of UFOs and extraterrestrials. The stories of old of demons attacking humans just doesn't seem to be happening like it used to. And now humans are not so much worried about demons than they are of extraterrestrials. Why is that? Why are humans being abducted by so-called extraterrestrials yet there are barely any demons anywhere to be seen?

Let's go to South America for a moment, because I want to validate my point here as to what I am saying is true. Everyone knows that whenever a demon possesses someone or something (an animal) the eyes of that creature or person turns red. Demons themselves normally have red eyes anyway, so therefore, any extraterrestrial that has red eyes is normally going to be demonic in nature rather than extraterrestrial in nature. It is just the way it is with demons. Those aliens that have red eyes that were spotted in South America, and whom also crouch, are nothing more than demons. The crouching position is typical of a demon, and they do it alot, especially if they are attacking or threatening a human. In nature, with intelligent Beings, red eyes are unnatural. Humans, even the most evil of ones, do not have red eyes. So, there you have it!

But I hear you say that the Greys do not have red eyes? Yes, that is true, but you must remember that the Greys are not really extraterrestrials. They are demons disguising themselves as extraterrestrials, as because they are in disguise you will not be able to see their red eyes. However, the "evil" is still present, and it is still present because demons are incapable of truly disguising their evil nature when they take on the form of something that is just as evil as themselves. The one thing that I know is true is that the Greys and demons give off the exact same energy - evil, fear, and sheer terror. If these two creatures were not the same thing then the Greys would not have the exact same energy as demons. It is just that simple. Besides, what is the chances of two creatures having the exact same energy?
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